pm implant while sick?

Hello all.
I am scheduled to have an EP study & a pm implant on Feb. 23rd. I have had a chest infection & sinus infection of some sort for quite some time. Should I call the doctor? Will they still do the pm implant if I am sick?


I hear ya

by paulb - 2010-02-15 02:02:52

I just got my PM on wednesday last week and have had a sinus infection with coughing too and it has made recovery ruff because every time i cough it hurts my PM site. I do not know your condition or how urgent your PM need is so i would talk to your cardiologist and express your concern to her/him and may decide to hold off or proceed depending on your need and how
bad your sick.


by justme - 2010-02-15 02:02:57

Call your GP, explain your situation and see if they can get you in for aggressive treatment (IV antibiotics etc). If yes, then go do it. If no, call your EP and talk to the nursing department, I know mine would not do anything if I was ill or had a fever within the previous 72 hours.

Be honest with your EP before your surgery, if you are ill you are doing no one a favor by keeping it to yourself.

Called GP & EP

by JessiWay - 2010-02-15 03:02:20

I called my GP & my EP, I spoke with a nurse in my GP office & a receptionist in the EP office. I will see what they say. Thanks all!

The verdict-

by JessiWay - 2010-02-15 09:02:02

Alrighty, here's the GP put me on some heavy duty antibiotics, he said even if they would still do the pm implantation, it would be a tougher recovery if I were ill. especially with a cough.

EP called back & said that as long as there isn't a fever we're on! If I had a fever over 99 they would have to postpone, but sinus congestion & chest stuff is OK! I didn't want to reschedule, I want to be well!

They want to know.

by DanaT - 2010-02-15 09:02:13

Hi. I'm scheduled for my pm on Feb. 25th. In the written instructions my EP gave me, it distincly said if you are sick to let them know, they may have to reschedule.


by justme - 2010-02-16 02:02:59

I'm glad that you followed through with both Dr's, hopefully you will be feeling better very soon! You have enough time for the meds to work on making you feel on that sinus congestion and cough though, because the whole thing will go better without them. I find the use of a humidifier and some steam showers to help with congestion. Also, when you cough, try some relaxation techniques (like meditation to stop yourself from continuing to cough...relax through the need to cough etc). Practicing now will help if you still have a little cough after the surgery, it might help.
Good luck and feel better soon!

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