Health insurance & pre existing conditions

Hello everyone...I have a question. has anyone figured out how to get health insurance with a pre-existing condition...and if so, who is your insurance provider? I am without insurance with my pm going in Tuesday, for years I have been trying to get health insurance but nobody wants me with my pre existing conditions. (only heart stuff, other than that I am in perfect health) How do I get around this? How do I get health insurance so that we are not buried in debt forever? Any insight anyone has to offer would be very much appreciated!


group policy

by Tracey_E - 2010-02-21 01:02:01

Individual policies look at pre-exisiting conditions, group policies through employers, some unions and trade organizations do not and will take everyone. It's not something you'll be able to do this week, but long term keep it on mind for next time you change jobs. My husband picked his last job by the benefits. I'm self employed and can't get insurance on my own. There were two companies he liked, he picked the one with the better insurance and I was able to slide in.


by franko1966 - 2010-02-21 01:02:24

if you had a laps in your insurance for more then 60 days theres a 12 month wait to be coverd,you can try you state program insurance,i know in ny state you can purchase it threw them,at a less cust,other wise try medicaid

I haven't had insurance

by JessiWay - 2010-02-21 01:02:56

I haven't ever had health insurance...we have always had to make payments forever on my health costs. I pay out quite a lot monthly in payments on past medical bills. We make too much on my husbands unemployment for medicaid. Just love it! =)


by MSPACER - 2010-02-21 05:02:02

It will be very difficult, if not impossible to get insurance with a pre-existing condition, if you are trying to buy it on your own.

Don't you wish that your Congress could get together and agree on health care reform so that you would be able to purchase insurance for yourself?

Me too

by Beckes76 - 2010-02-21 09:02:43

I have had insurance off and on for the last few years. My best bet is through an employer. I have tried in the past to get one on my own but to no avail. I had the state insurance for about five years and it was ok. It was a supplement to insurance it didn't cover everything.but it helped when I replaced my pm.

charity care

by justme - 2010-02-21 11:02:30

You might be suprised, but many hospitals have a charity care program that you can use even if you do have insurance and have trouble paying your portion. I don't qualify for medicaid (have insurance, but it doesn't cover enough) but applied through the hospital chairty care program and they approved me for a 75% reduction in costs. They take into account ALL of the income in the household (mine and my parents), otherwise they may have reduced it by 100%. But, the hospital I went through uses higher rates than for medicaid or state insurance cutoffs too, so even with a household income of over 75,000 I still qualified for a reduction in charges. It's worth a try, especially if you are going to a hospital that accepts any sort of federal funding, they probably have a program in place for people without insurance or with inadequate insurance.

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