
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of my new friends! I wanted to share our families experience with the leprechauns with you all.

So...every year we build a leprechaun trap, try to see if we can catch a leprechaun. Well, this year we decided not to build a trap. We decided, instead, to write them some letters, see if we could learn from them, become their friends. Our boys (we have 4) wrote some great letters to the leprechauns & we left them on the table last night.Well, unlike last year our house wasn't covered in green confetti this morning...and we were out of milk so they left that alone. (last year they colored our milk & toilet water green) This year, they only got the toilet water. =) Here is the letter the leprechauns wrote to the kids...

Way family,
We come from Ireland. When we want to play games we have treasure hunts. That's why we go into people's houses where we often hide & find treasure. (We've hidden some coins throughout your house) Our favorite food...corned beef & cabbage. And yes, we do get tricked a lot. But, because we have the luck of the Irish...their tricks don't usually work. And unless you have a bit of the Irish in you, you have absolutely no hope of catching a leprechaun. Let alone having one decide to be pen pals with you. Talked it over with me mates, they said it'd be jolly fun to pen pal with some Irish lads. So we'll be writing you every year round about St. Patrick's Day just to see how you're doing & to let you know that their tricks haven't worked on us. May the luck of the Irish be with you!

P.S. Who doesn't like donuts? And we forgive you for trying to trap us...it's all in good fun!

So, we came to find out...the coins they hid throughout the house for the boys were out of my husband & I's change containers. The kids were willing to give it back, well...2 of the 4. We told them they can keep it. =)


too cute

by tnbabe59 - 2010-03-17 01:03:16

What a wonderful way to celebrate St Paddy's Day. It almost makes me wish I still had kids at home. Your children are very lucky.....Mary


by LS - 2010-03-17 09:03:36

What a fun memory you made for your kids!!! I love it!!
My grandaughters were very excited to wear green to school today. They made "leprechaun pie" in school yesterday so were having that today. LOL
Thanks for sharing that story.

What fun

by lenora - 2010-03-19 06:03:26

May I inquire as what sort of trap you built to trap leprechauns? How do you get them OUT of the trap without them escaping? If you should ever happen to catch one be sure to hold him by the scruff of his neck because if you just get them by the collar they can wiggle out and you'll be left holding a little green jacket and have NO leprechaun to show for it.

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