STILL low blood pressure

I'm on day 13 since my placement of my pacemaker. I am sleeping like 15 - 20 hours a day and still extremely exhausted. My bp today is in the 85/40 - 95/45 range. I'm also getting a bad headache AGAIN!

Thursday, the doctor took me off of the prednisone and put me on decadron. I'm wondering if this could be causing the lower bp and headache. They do think that this is NOT PM related and I believe them. My husband wanted to know how my bp could be so low if my heart rhythm is doing fine. It's confusing to us.

On Friday I am being tested for Addisons disease. I don't know if I hope I have it because that will at least be an answer or if I hope I don't have it and they have to still look. So confusing but so tired of being tired!!!!



by Pookie - 2010-02-21 06:02:57

I totally agree with medications...each & every one of them have side effects. Prednisone is a nasty drug.

Perhaps you could call your pharmacist..they are a wealth of information.

I too have very low blood pressure and was put on a drug that started with an A (forget the name right now as that was back in 2007). I was diagnosed with Hypotension Intolerance. So....I have to eat a lot of salt (which I don't do because I don't like it) and as I sit here typing I am wearing my compression stalkings as my blood likes to pool in my lower legs. They do help.

I'm sure your docs will figure it out. Unfortunately, this all takes time. Stay strong.

Take care,

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