seatbelt discomfort

Wondering if anyone has experience seatbelt discomfort when driving since getting pacemaker? I see an add on this site for softtouch for the seatbelt. Has anyone tried it?


Seat Belt Discomfort

by mtibben - 2010-02-18 07:02:40

I bought the Softtouch and used it the about the first 3 - 6 months after my pacer was put in. It worked great, and fits easily into a purse for traveling or if you are going to ride in someelses car. Now I have the fuzzy kind you can find in any Target, Walmart, KMart.


by mikesmom93 - 2010-02-18 08:02:41

I bought mine at Walmart in the auto supply section because I'm cheap. I think it was only a few dollars.

I've only had my ICD since late November, so when I drive with my heavy winter coat on the area is well-protected under all the layers and isn't sore at all so I don't use it. But it does help somewhat if I am driving without my coat -- just gives it a little extra cushioning.


Less Expensive

by ppt - 2010-02-18 10:02:24

I just used a small piece of foam from the corner of a pillow. :-)

nothing but problems

by dwelch - 2010-02-19 06:02:26

22 years with a pacemaker and the seatbelt is a royal pain. Normally I use a binder clip to keep the seat belt a little slack so that it does not put pressure on the pacer. I did buy one of those soft touch things recently but it is winter and we still have a couple feet of snow outside so the winter coat is doing the padding. The soft touch it is on the belt now and I am already thinking it is not going to work as shown in the picture, I may put the whole thing up above the pacer to bridge the belt over the pacer, will see. I usually end up just putting a binder clip on the belt to keep it from retracting all the way.

I tried using those seat belt pad things but that just spreads the pressure out across the pacer not making it better.

Maybe the answer is to move to the uk or buy a right hand drive car.

bottom line you are not alone, three pacers and the seatbelt in the car is by far the hardest part of living with a pacemaker.

thanks for advice!

by pacy0320 - 2010-02-19 11:02:12

Thanks so much for the advice...going to head to walmart and see what they have in auto section that may do the job or get a piece of foam. WHY didn't I think of that on my own!!! Thanks again...Patty

You May Not Need One ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-02-19 12:02:34

Knowing ahead of time of my impending PM implant, I started posting on this site what I may or may not need for comfort, advice, etc. The seat belt "cushion" was mentioned by the PM Club members as something that eased seat belt pain on and around the site of the incision

I ordered an el cheapo from a catalog, but after the PM implant, I did not need their use. My upper body for a female is large and the seat belt did not touch my PM incision. Probably, just wherever the seat belt "sits" on you, is whether you will need a "protector" or not.

Have a Great Day, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

no choke seatbelt comfort

by jgb143 - 2011-06-08 03:06:11

The no-choke seatbelt comfort device works well too

I haven't seen them in stores but they're online at

SoftTouch comment

by Hairy - 2015-12-27 03:12:46

I bought a SoftTouch seatbelt protector for my pacemaker. I bought it because I was overly worried. After a few days, I did not feel that I needed it. Maybe it was helpful for the first few days.

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