
I was just wondering now that I've tackled my dream of being in a race, I was thinking about finally learning how to do a cartwheel.
I've wanted to do one since I was a little girl, but can never stay upright. I end up doing some kind of a rolling turnover manuver. I'm sure it's quite funny to watch.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I need a spotter to catch my legs until I get the hang of it, but I'm scared of kicking my husband in the head. I'm going to start practicing. I sent my friend, Steve, an email asking him for advice but I haven't heard back from him yet.
Also, what are some things that ya'll have always wanted to do but for some reason never could?


go for it!

by Tracey_E - 2008-12-09 03:12:57

My kids are both in gymnastics and they don't learn cartwheels with a spotter. They have these mats for the little kids that have two feet about shoulder width apart, to the left (or right) of that is two handprints about shoulder width apart then two more feet prints. They tell the kids to stand on the first footprints, put your hands down on the handprints, then kick your feet over to the other footprint. They keep doing that until their legs come up into a cartwheel.

You can practice getting your feet in the air by doing a handstand against a wall.


by Bionic Beat - 2008-12-09 06:12:13

It's been said already, against a wall.

Or if you have a sofa/couch against a wall, use the sofa/couch with feet on wall til you get the hang of being upside down.

Then, turn sideways, away from the wall and carwheel away.

Happy cartwheeling!

Bionic Beat

An interesting question...

by pacergirl - 2008-12-09 06:12:40

You asked this question... "What are some things that ya'll have always wanted to do but for some reason never could?"

There are some of us that come to this website, that would be happy with just being able to get to the bathroom without feeling as if we are going to faint or be zapped by the ICD. Or that our hearts are not going to go into RACING MODE and give us a heart attack! This can be a problem for many of us.

So doing cartwheels can seem a silly request to some of us. It isn't that I am not pleased for you, but today I am feeling a little down, I have some problems to deal with and I don't see a happy end in sight. I am usually a little more upbeat and I mean no unkindness.... but it is my reality.... and that of some others I'm sure. Things are not good today and this just makes it feel all the worse.


by dward - 2008-12-09 07:12:28

If you are not staying upright, it's because your hands are too far in front of you. In other words, you're putting your hands out like you're bending over. You need to place your hands more in line with your legs and feet.
If you draw a line or put some tape along the floor, your feet should stay on the tape, as well as your hands.
It should almost feel like you're going to go over (like a somersault) but you'll find your feet will stop you...
at least they should.

Good luck.


by walkerd - 2008-12-10 05:12:38

I to am sorry that you dont feel well, I see nothing wrong with the post when something good has happened for one of us instead of something always gloom and doom and I for one am extremely pleased for anglie.

I want to skydive.


by Angelie - 2008-12-10 10:12:55

I was trying to start off, what I thought might be good conversation, with a simple question of what people would like to do, or have dreamed of doing. It's a simple question. I am NOT requesting all of you out there in cyber land to do cartwheels. Doing a cartwheel, however silly it may seem, is actually a dream of mine that I have not yet filled.
I have A LOT of bad days too, but I choose not to dwell in them. Don't you have any dreams? Isn't there something that you would like to do, but haven't yet?
There's never been a calendar day marked "someday". If we put our minds to it, we can do anything. We all have difficulties, and we might have to modify certain things to get there, but having a pacemaker or ICD does NOT mean the end of the world. It doesn't mean that we have to lose sight of our dreams.
With each new day is a chance to start all over again. I hope your days get more sunny soon. A lot of your day really depends on your outlook and how you choose to deal with it. It really has a lot to do with the person, not what is happening to the person. You are the only one that control your outcome.
Meanwhile, I'm going to practice doing my cartwheels, and then after that I aspire to travel to Europe. I've always wanted to travel. Also one of my dreams is to make a CD.
I do hope you feel better, and I hope that some day soon you can see things through different spectacles. The world is out's endless. It's not always good, by no means, but it doesn't have to always be bad. It's really your choice. I choose to not let anyone rain on my parade. Especially after all that I've been through. I absolutely refuse!

To Pacergirl

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-10 12:12:22

I'm sorry you are having a rough day. It can be scary when our heart starts acting up. There are so many of us here on the site that there is bound to be some feeling great and some feeling down at any given time. In spite of my upbeat mood most of the time I also have my rough days.

Just wanted to let you know.


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.