Pocket re-do

I am not sure if my message posted so I am re-sending it. I got my first pacer Nov. 2001, a medtronic. I don't recall any problems and I enjoyed life with a better heart rythm. I got my replacement Nov. 2008, a Boston scientific. I have had so much pain that has gone into my shoulder, left chest, arm and up the side of my neck. I was treated by a neurologist and physical therapy with some success. I STILL have so much pain around the pacer. My pacer doc. has told me the pacer is working fine and nothing is wrong. Today, I wanted to be seen and was asked by the nurse if I wanted to wait until by regular visit early in May since it is "just pocket pain". Well, I am pretty discouraged and hope to hang in there until May. Any help?

Being new to the club and not realizing the difference of posting a comment versus a message I posted the above message as a comment on another's message. The reason I am back is that my pacer doc's office just called to tell me he is doing a pocket redo on March 5. Instead of being relieved and glad, I am feeling a panic and can't stop crying. My fisrt pacer was such a breeze and gave me a new lease on life that I went into my replacement with a carefree attitude. Now after over a year of problems I am now afraid!! I had just finished fabricating a pacer cushion with artificial sheep's wool to cover my pacer area for a little help with the pain....and here I am babbling!!!

I thank God for this site..I don't know how I've make it these 81/2 years of pacemaker adventures without it!! Just knowing there are people who KNOW what this is...


Being Afraid

by Pookie - 2010-02-23 07:02:16

Dear Painthorse;

I can only imagine your fear. When someone has gone thru any surgery (in my opinion) and it came with a bunch of problems, then when faced again with another surgery, fear tends to creep back into our minds. (If only we could erase parts of our memories!!)

It just happened to me. I had to have 5 surgeries back in 2004 for my pacer...total nightmare. Then about 3 weeks ago I had to have another type of surgery (not my heart) and I was beside myself with fear and stress and panic and crying, I was a basket case!!!

When all was said & done, I came out of this particular surgery without a hitch. But for weeks prior I was a total mess. All that worrying for nothing in the end. So, I do understand how you are feeling.

All I can say is you gotta hope for the best. It's hard, I know. I just look back and think about ALL that time I wasted and in the end what was to be was to be. The fear, I think, is we have no control and we tend to remember or compare past experiences. If you went to the dentist and whatever the procedure was hurt like heck, then I'm sure you would get the fear in you the next time you had to return as well.

It is hard to venture into something when your past experience wasn't "pleasant".

I guess you have to try to stay positive (so hard to do) and hope for the best.

Take care and try to keep busy.



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-23 07:02:28

Isn't it great finding so many people just like us!? I had a pm for almost 15 yrs before I found this place.

They usually try to put off revisions until the battery goes rather than do an extra surgery or replace a battery that isn't dead. I had a pocket revision with my last battery change four weeks ago. It sounds like they finally got the message and are trying to accommodate you. There's no need to be afraid or expect things to go wrong again, this is just fixing what went wrong last time.

Welcome to the club!

Keloid Fear

by donb - 2010-02-23 07:02:56

Hi, I'm a 78 year old PM patient that had similar PM pouch problems a year ago. MY 3rd replacement, a Medtronic Enrthym replacement was a very tight fit in the pouch as I'm also a Keloid patient so lots of scar tissue. My Cardiologist kept an eye on it for a year until it started to erode. As I also had a bad lead it was decided to do a complete right chest install with new leads.

It took 2 surgeries by a plastic surgeon to clean up my left chest. They clipped the excess leads & PM terminals, removed all the scar tissue and used some reconstruction material replacing the scared
pouch, did a boob lift. After a few months the pain was gone and my newright chest implant looks great.

I joined this support group just before all this work was done and learned from others that had similar problems. I am now in my 18th year of PMs' and have all good results and with the support from others in this group my year of discomfort went by quickly. I was extremely cautious watching for infections after PM removal, PM site restoration twice and final new PM inplant on right side.
Looks great with t-shirt on other than my right boob low. LOL Any questions, give me a shout. donb

The only way to resolve it

by ElectricFrank - 2010-02-24 02:02:51

Take deep breath and give them a chance to fix the problem. From your description the problem is physiological (as in infection or irritation) rather than pacemaker electrical. As CathrynB the best docs for this sort of problem aren't the cardiologist, etc.

This is one of the things that I realized when I had my recent replacement. The first implant went so easy, yet I accepted the possibility that the second one might not. Fortunately, all went well. Now in 5-7 yrs they will get another chance at me. No telling what infections will be around the hospital by then.

Wish you the best,


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