just maybe...

I don't know if this may help anyone else but it surely did help me so I just have to share my experience. Some of you may remember all the shoulder problems and general crumby relationship I was having with my pm. Well, I have been doing Yoga and going to a massage therapist for the last several weeks. I cannot believe what a difference it has made in how I feel and how I healed. I have been rather active which I was not doing when everything looked so bad to me. Now, I in no way had it as bad and you my friend Pookie and a couple others of ya'll but I wonder if anyone else could benefit from my 2-cents worth. Oh yeah, I also LOVE chocolate and am very sensitive to the effects of caffiene and the other day I sort of "over-dosed" on a bit of chocolate covered blueberries. I should have known better but gosh...just thought maybe I could test the waters. Nope...but I did an experiment. I also spend most of my day alone so as some of ya'll know, that just adds to the anxiety. Well, we were having a beautiful day, and I went out and just slowly walked around, listened to the song birds, looked at the wild flowers thinking that since my heart was racing ahead of my pm (I'm 100% paced) that if my legs didn't give out on me and I didn't get too dizzy that my heart would think that gee, we are doing something so I'll make use of this extra speed. lololo....I can't call it a remedy but it helped me to not feel sooo helpless. In a bit, I felt that sensation of relief of when my rate and rhythm settle down.

Also, I also want to say how much I appreciate the incredible education I get on this wonderful site!!! I could have avoided alot of anxieties and sleepless nights had I understood as much as I now do about my experiences with my pm and heart. I thank you and thank you....




by LS - 2010-04-15 07:04:06

So glad you're feeling better!!!!
Enjoy the yoga, the massages & these gorgeous spring days!

Belated comment

by rviolin - 2010-05-12 05:05:40

Pat: Thanks for this post. As usual, when I am feeling apprehensive about something and do a search on this website, I find that someone else has felt the same way.

I am realizing that the combination of the PM surgery and accompanying antibiotics have changed the way my body deals with food. I'm MUCH more sensitive to caffiene, MSG, etc. than I used to be. Sadly, I recently discovered a book called "The Chocolate Connoisseur" by Chloe Doutre-Roussel that has made me crazed for chocolate. I've been pretty good about limiting my intake at any one time (Chloe, however, claims she eats 1 lb of chocolate per day!), but have had a couple of "overdoses" that give me an odd feeling in my chest and affect my sleep. I'm sure it's the caffeine, but I did the search here because I knew I'd find someone else in this group who could relate. Reading about your experience makes mine easier to deal with.

Thank you for posting. I'm glad the yoga & massage are helping. Here's to your continued health!


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