Rough Night

Hi again everyone! I need some advice. I had a rough night last night. Two hours of sleep! I had my pacemaker implant on 4 Feb 2010. After my surgery my throat was hurting so bad and the doctor thought it was just nerve endings. Well that cleared up. I have been doing really good. That is until last night. I started hurting behide my right breast (pacemaker is on right side). The pain SLOWLY moved to the center of my abdominal area and proceeded to move upward. Now my throat is hurting again. Yes it feels like it could be nerve endings. I had not taken my acid reflux medication in a couple of days so I got up and took it. Along with a pain pill! I could not lay on my back or on my right side. Now I am just tired and sore along with the pain in throat and a slight headache. I don't know if this is even related to the pacemaker. Plan on calling a doctor today but don't know which doctor to call. Cardiologist or General doctor. Any advice?


Rough Night

by TracieOT - 2010-04-16 01:04:53

Thanks Liz and TraceyE!
Well, I just talked to the nurse at my Cadriologist office. She made me an appointment for Wednesday! Told me to take the pain pills if the pain continued. Now I had already told her that I took one during the night and it did NOT help the pain so I did not want to keep taking them. Ibprofen is not helping either. Also told me if anything else goes wrong to go to the ER. I am still paying on my hospital bills from my surgery. I guess I will put myself on bed rest. What signs should I look for to let me know it is time to go to the ER? I have been under alot of stress and now these problems have me worried even more.


by Pookie - 2010-04-16 02:04:09


So sorry you are going through this.

You mentioned that you have been under a lot of stress, well, for me stress caused some of the symptoms you have described.

I too had terrible stomach problems and Acid Reflux and all the pacemaker issues and a whack of another medical problems so when you add everything up....of course things like this can happen.

For me it is very important to keep ahead of my stomach and reflux problems as they can wreak havoc for me right in the center of my chest right through to my back...and remember that pain can travel.

As far as the ER goes...I base it on a couple of things. First you gotta be able to breathe. Second, you have to be able to control your pain at home to a certain extent, if you can't then it is only my opinion that it is time to go to the ER because pain is the only way our bodies can tell us that there is something wrong.

Also, you mentioned not getting sleep...that can play a big factor in there too.

Ibuprofen is usually for inflammation. Perhaps Tylenol might help. Matter of fact, an ER doctor told me to take both at the same time and it did wonders for me.

Another good person to ask questions to is your pharmacist!!!!!!!!!!

Since you already have an appt with the Cardiologist for Wednesday...would it make you feel any better to go see your family doctor before that if you can get an appt?

Remember: take care of your stomach....because not only can it cause you misery, but the pain can travel to your back and up into your throat.

Take care and please keep us posted.


Rough Night

by TracieOT - 2010-04-16 05:04:41

Thanks Pookie! The lack of sleep was due to the pain. I try not to let myslef get to stressed but I work for the City of Mobile. They are doing layoffs and it has been so bad. I have let the stress take over. As far as my family doctor well....I am trying to get away from him. I had an appt with one when I was put into the hospital back in Feb. so it was cancelled and I have yet to reschedule. I have slept most of the day today. My head continues to hurt and my back and chest feels like someone has beat me! If I am no better by the morning I am going to go somewhere. I will keep you posted! Thanks again.

Thank You Pookie

by TracieOT - 2010-04-16 08:04:47

Pookie I tried the tylenol and Ibprofen and it worked! My headache is gone and I am not nearly as sore. Thank you so much!


by Tracey_E - 2010-04-16 11:04:45

I'd call both, but start with the internist. It's easy to assume it's the pm when we have problems, but it's important to rule out anything else.


by LS - 2010-04-16 12:04:05

I'd call the cardioligist. Not because I assume it's the PM, but from my experience, my internest ALWAYS wants to confer with the cardioligist so it's better for me to call him first. (& see him)
Hope you feel 100% better today!


by LS - 2010-04-17 04:04:11

Glad you're feeling better!!!

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You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.