New implant on 2/19/10

It's great to find a site for discussion of what it's like to have a pacemaker and what to expect. When I was in the hospital last Friday I got info from the nurses, but it's so much better to "talk" to people who have gone through this. I am 69 year old woman who has been short of breath and had "fluttering" of heart, for almost 3 years. Went through LOTS of testing, and finally, after wearing a holter monitor for 3 weeks, the Drs. decided on the pacemaker. I'm still feeling some flutterings so hope that settles down. My husband, son, and friends, all seem to think I'll be hiking up mountains and running on the treadmill any day now. I'm worried they'll expect too much of me, but then, maybe I CAN do that; right?? Guess your brain has to adjust to the "new you" also.


You are doing great!

by qwerty - 2010-02-23 03:02:14

Sounds like you are doing great. You CAN hike those mountains and you will.... but give yourself time to heal first and don't try to tackly Mt. Everest first. Pick a slightly smaller mountain to start with. I live in the Flat Land and my first mountain was the railroad tracks!!! Which I "climbed" after just 1 week on a short walk. I am 59 and got my PM on 1/25 and everyday gets just a little better.

This is a great site and lots of great people to help...Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Stay well


by Pookie - 2010-02-23 05:02:02

Hi California.

I agree with qwerty, it sounds like you certainly have a great attitude.

And you are correct when you say that your brain has some adjusting to do too. It all takes time, the healing, both physically and mentally, but the day will come when you won't even think of your pacemaker.

Just take it day by day and makes goals for yourself, sometimes that helps.

Take care and here's to a speedy recovery!!!


Welcome California ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-02-23 09:02:53

I am not climbing any mountains after my PM implant on 10/09; I just have the don't wannas right now.

My Son, His Family & Myself spent 3 weeks in the Colorado Mountains last July, Pre-PM. I watched them go up/down mountains, hiking & having a blast, while I sat & "people watched". Thank God for PM implants.

Take just one day at a time, and do not get impatient, aggravated nor agitated with yourself if you do not accomplish a big goal. Every day is a new & great day to be alive. Think Spring Flowers ~ ~ Spring Showers

Keep up your great attitude/gratitudes,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

Take your time

by francine1 - 2010-02-24 11:02:17

My pacemaker was placed on 2/11/10 & I had complications. I just want to say that you have to do what is right for you and you alone. Take care of yourself.

You know you're wired when...

Born to be Wired is your theme song.

Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.