
So Im new to the whole idea of ICD's PM's and Defibs, I am 25 and i had an ICD implanted on 1/01/10, and its been a difficult transition for me, first just coming to grips with the fact that i went into cardiac arrest at work and was given CPR from some of my coworkers, and i actually past and was gone for 6 minutes and was brought back, thank god i don't remember anything but it makes it hard to go about my normal activities without thinking about it all the time. Also my cardio put my icd at the wrong setting, so i was shocked when i got out of the hospital, it was horrifying, it came out of no where no warning nothing.. Then i had it corrected then it shocked me 3 times in a day due to my lead line disloading, i just don't know how to handle it and im looking forward to getting support somehow, any info or advice will be entertainted.. thanks



by mikej - 2010-02-23 02:02:11

i have an icd implant,and i can share some storys with you ,the default setting for your icd should be 185 ,next time you go for interogation ask for a readout,you may not understand some of it but if u have a good ep they will explain the basics to you,ive been told not to think about being defib and i dont think about that,your still alive and having that device insures your still going to be with us tomorrow,think of it more as your guardian angel (paramedics in your back pocket) i have a cognis crt-d/wvt and its still not available on boston scientifics web site ,i let them use me for a study and this new model wich is very very thin ,i cant tell its under my skin unless i feel around for it,wich isnt good idea either,i dont think about it to much at all anymore and your fear will go away give it time its your new best friend, feel free to contact me if you want to ask anything else,ive been here since december and have yet to find someone else that posts regulary about icd,s

I am sure those with ICD's will be helpful

by janetinak - 2010-02-23 02:02:15

as I have a PM don't have any ICD advice. Altho there is a seach area on the upper right hand corner to read old posts (& some not so old) until you can get some responses. All i can offer is that even with a simple PM like mine it took some time to get the settings set so I am Ok with PM now.

It was great that you had your arrest with others around that were willing to help. We want you around for a long time :-)

Keep in contact,



by pete - 2010-02-23 04:02:59

You are off to a bad start. Things will only get better. The docs will soon have your settings where they should be and hopefully the only thing that will annoy you in a few years time will be that sometimes you forget all about the ICD. You have one enormous advantage over the majority of us- your age, and it will work in your favour. Dont let the gremlins get you. Cheers Peter

thanks so much..

by djacks - 2010-02-23 05:02:07

you guys are amazing its litterally bring me to tears to read how you don't even know me but yet you lend a ear and words of advice and most importantly support.. thank you guys you are all mini angels in my eyes. i am looking forward to getting to the point where i can give advice to the next guy or gal that is feeling what i am. thanks sooo much!



by Pookie - 2010-02-23 12:02:20


I sent you a private message...upper right hand corner of screen but you have to be logged on to access it.


Hi again.

by Pookie - 2010-02-23 12:02:34

there is also a very interesting and informative article posted about 3 down from yours out on the main screen that perhaps you might find useful.



by Joleea3 - 2010-03-02 10:03:23

I was getting ready for church when I went into cardiac arrest and rushed to hospital. I had pacemaker and defib. put in and doing very well now. I relived it everyday for a long time. My mind just couldn't comprend it all. eventually you will get to where you won't think of it so often. Like you I am happy that this pacemaker clube exist. It helps me a lot. Good luck

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