Leadless Pacemaker Survey

Hello everyone! I have been lurking around this board for a while now, at least since my implantation of a Guidant dual chamber pacemaker in late April 2008. I have had minimal problems, but the usual 'annoyances' of how the device is situated and how the leads were placed. These usually just include discomfort and swelling. My question for you all is if you would be willing to participate in a survey about your current device and your opinion on the new leadless devices that they are currently developing. I am conducting a research proposal and project on the likelihood of using these new devices in the near future and the amount of education that is available. There is a survey liability form included and no answers will be disclosed without direct consent from the individual participating. I am currently in the works of revising the survey and just wanted to get an estimate of those willing to participate. Thank you so much! Below is a copy of the liability waiver.

Survey/Interview Liability Waiver
This survey/interview is part of a final project for English 272—Technical Communication taught by Professor Ron Tulley at the University of Findlay. The responses in this survey/interview will be used to gather information about regular cardiac pacemakers and the options for leadless pacemakers. Information obtained in these surveys will be used to produce educational materials for cardiac patients, friends and family members. Your responses will not be published without your consent or knowledge. I will present the informational material on or about April 12, 2010. If you have any questions or comments please email me at amargraf@findlay.edu or you can reach Professor Tulley at rtulley@findlay.edu or (419) 434-4608.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Amanda Margraf
dual chamber pacemaker recipient April 2008 and still going strong!


Sure, I'm game

by JessiWay - 2010-03-24 02:03:16

sounds interesting. ~Jessi


by Gellia2 - 2010-03-24 02:03:37

I have heard of wireless pacemakers (able to transmit information via a wireless set up), but not a leadless one.
Do you mean a pacemaker that would no longer use wire leads to deliver the voltage that makes the heart muscle contract?

If so, could you please explain how this would work?
I really would like more information before a survey.

Thanks very much!

Ok with me

by DanaT - 2010-03-24 05:03:01

I wouldn't mind taking the survey. Except I don't know much about them and couldn't answer from an experience of having one. But I'll take it if I'm able.

Have Major Question

by ElectricFrank - 2010-03-25 02:03:00

I would be interested in knowing what sort of technology is being used to pace the heart without leads. As an electronic engineer it poses a lot of questions.

I'm not trying to cast any accusations at anyone, but I suggest being careful giving personal information to anyone in the guise of a survey. I just have an uneasy feeling about it.


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