Morning Hypertension

Just wanted to ask mt PMclub friends if anyone suffers from morning hypertension. I have been logging my blood pressure for the past week and noticed it is highest right the first couple of hours after I get up in the morning, e.g. 140/100. The rest of the day it is fine e.g 115/75. I take no meds other than a baby aspirin everyday.

Hopefully, I will get the results of my nuclear stress test today. I will call the doctor myself. I have been wearing my Cardionet monitor for 9 days and have noticed especially this morning that it transmitted info twice before 7 am.


Can be normal

by 8thID - 2010-09-08 08:09:34

According to an article from the Mayo Clinic, higher blood pressure in the morning could be normal. Not normal in the sense that high blood pressure is normal, but other factors could be at work here. If you take BP meds once a day in the morning, the meds may wear off by the time you wake up. Sleep apnea can cause higher than normal BP in the morning, as can a high sodium meal before going to bed. These are just a few of the reasons listed. I hope this helps. I would suggest keeping a journal of the measurements and take it with you the next time you see your Doc. Take Care!


Morning Hypertension

by Island Girl - 2010-09-08 10:09:30

I was on Atenolol for hypertension and my blood pressure got down to the 80's over 50's during the day. My blood pressure was always higher in the morning. But since I was so low during the day, I was taken off the Atenolol. Since being off of the Atenolol, my day low blood pressure had gone away. But now my morning blood pressure is very high in the 150's over 80's. If I wait until I am up for an hour and take my blood pressure, it comes down. I had a nuclear stress test a week ago and I did "extremely well". Those were my doctor's words. He is a cardiogist and said I could go up to 140 for blood pressure. I am 70 years old. It may be lower for younger people.

morning High BP

by aldeer - 2010-09-08 11:09:01

For many years, I have had early morning BP readings of mid to high 50s over high 80s but it would drop within an hour or two. Not too many months ago, I found that it was also going up every afternoon but would be low in the evening. After calling it to my primary care doctor's attention, he added another med to my Coreg Cr and within a week, my blood pressure is completely under control. I am sorry I wasn't more aggressive in having that treated earlier because a lot of damage was done in the meantime. Wishing you luck in getting the right meds. aldeer

Thanks for the response

by heartu - 2010-09-08 11:09:21

Thanks Island Girl for your response. I had my nuclear stress test last Thursday (Sept2) and called my doctor this morning to get the results (got their voicemail).

I turned 54 on Saturday, Sept 4. For 6 months after pacemaker was implanted I felt fine, now all of a sudden I feel very lousy first thing in the morning so I decided to check on my bp since my visit to the cardio 9 days ago showed my diastolic was a little high (88). It has been consistently high and in the afternoon and evenings fine. I am only worried because morning hypertension has been linked to stroke and heart attacks. My dad had 2 strokes, the first at 70. My brother had a stent put in at age 56 (5 years ago). Up to this year I never had any heart or blood pressure problems.

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