
Could anyone tell me how long their recovery was when they had the ICD placed under the pectoral muscle. My ICD is pushing the skin out and it is becoming very thin so they are going to place it under the muscle and I was wondering if anyone had this done they could tell me how long their recovery was. I am very active and run/walk on the treadmill at least 4 times a week.


think I'm wimpy!

by AndiC - 2010-03-08 04:03:36

It took me longer than I thought it should. I was in major pain for a week and it took almost 2 weeks before I could sleep flat or turn on my side during the night.

To me...hopefully it will be different for you...that muscle has lots of nerves. I am also 5'2"?? They told me the nerves would die around the pocket and then the pain would stop. They said it could take up to 8 weeks, but I'm 4 weeks out and am feeling almost normal. Very little pain, and its when I use my left arm more than I should. (pulling clothes out of washer, accidently shutting car door, reaching)

I did go for a walk after a week, but I dont think I'm in as good of shape as you!! I'm not overweight at all, just needing more heart surgery. I'm sure you'll do great and breeze thru it!!! I'll be praying for ya!!!

Andrea---its raining in TX AGAIN!

3 weeks post-op

by Angelie - 2010-03-08 05:03:09

Similar to you although you have an ICD, my pacemaker was trying to work it's way out through my thin skin. Mine actually did cause outer skin problems which I was treated for with IV antibiotics. Consider yourself blessed that you're getting this done before any true skin involvement. Trust me, it's a nightmare.

The first week (week of surgery) was bloody hell, and you won't be able to move your arm even if you try. Any jarring, or bouncy walking is even painful. Your whole upper left body will basically be sore.
The 1st complete week post-op surprised me. I was able to move my arm slowly up to my shoulder level. What a difference a week makes in the terms of healing. I was anticipating the pain, but the lack of motion scared me a bit.
It has now been 3 weeks post op. My surgery was 2/15. I feel as good as new, just as if they didn't do anything at all. I am a little tiny bit sore when I move it suddenly in certain directions. I can raise my arm completely, pull my arm back as if releasing a bow, scratch my opposite shoulder, etc.....everything.
Your doc will tell you all restrictions after your surgery. I couldn't lift my arm, lift puch or pull anything over 5 pounds for a week. You'll be sore the week of your surgery. I could have started back walking on the treadmill last week if I had the desire. This week, I'm gonna start back up again.

You'll do wonderfully,

Thank you

by linda4heart - 2010-04-19 11:04:56

Thanks for the information on recovery. I have not had the surgery yet due to the recall of Boston Scientific's selling of their equipment for a month. I did read over the weekend that the resend of selling had been lifted so will probably hear from my dr. soon. I am reading a lot about leads eroding and that is all news to me. I think I will take another responders advice and go look at the Cleveland Clinic's information on lead removal. Please let me know how this comes out. I am much older than you 62 and I too work out and in good shape except for the old ticker which has been trouble for 10 years.

4 1/2 months post op

by akitagirl - 2010-04-19 12:04:32

I had a recalled lead fixed last May while they were in there they replaced my ICD. After telling everyone for months that it did not feel right they realized my ICD was eroding through my skin. So the week before Thanksgiving they moved it into a pocket in my pectoral muscle. I am only 43 in good health otherwise - I workout at the gym, eat well, not overweight. The recovery was a lot more then my original surgery - the hardest thing was having a lot of discomfort sleeping flat. Everything healed really well and I wish that, even with the extra discomfort, I had it put in under the muscle originally. A much more comfy fit. On to the next problem - Tuesday I go back to the surgeon because now it looks like one of the wires is starting to erode through the skin.

I am sure you will do well,
It will be more uncomfortable initially but it will be worth it!!!


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