Multaq Warning

I was hospitalized for a week recently for Congestive Heart Failure. My cardiologist told me that 50% of people taking Multaq experience Congestive Heart Failure.
Multaq never worked for me. I was taken off it for 3 days then put on Tikosyn and then a cardioversion. So far so good 4 days since they started me on Tikosyn and I'm still in sinus rythym.
I can breathe and sleep well. Wish they have given it to me before. I was in Atrial Fibrillation 100% of the time till about a week ago. Thanks for everyone that sent me messages.
Just taking it day by day hour by hour.


Thanks for warning

by bunnykin - 2010-06-10 12:06:19

Thank you for your post regarding Multaq. My Dr was considering giving me this drug when it's available in where I live. I don't think I can take another problem on my plate, it's too full already! Thanks..I shall not accept this med.if prescribed for me in future. I've taken Tikosyn though, but it was unfortunate for me as I had an adverse side effect; Due to tendency to prolonged QT on my ECG, and perhaps a hereditary issue, I went into Torsades de pointes, something akin to irregular VT. My device shocked once before going back to normal rhythm. If you have been ok it's good. Pls ask your dr to check your ECG regularly as Tikosyn has this tendency to trigger Tdp in some patients. God bless. bunnykin.

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