post-op blues??

Had my PM surgery on Friday morning, I am only 34. All i keep hearing is, your so young, or too young!! UGHHH its making me crazy. I had my first episode of the post-op blues; I am very itchy all over, why I have no idea, and sore. (no pain meds just Ibprophen) the hubby keeps gettin onto me about not doing stuff, and the kids...well they are not much help. Soooo yeah I have the blues. I have quite smoking obviously, since the emergency trip to the hospital and surgery...and all this is just very very hard....will it get harder??? When will it get better??


aweeee thank you!!!

by brooke1803 - 2010-03-15 07:03:00

Thank yu soo much, you all actually had me in a bit of a misty eyed frenzy..LOL.... The best I can say is THANK YOU!!!!!! I need to hear that I am NOT alone, no matter what the age of anyone is... u all have been through this, and are going through this. I was a lil excited yesterday at the possibilities, having my life back, FINALY..but at what expense?? (thats where i am today) grrrrl.. BUT thank YOu So much!!!!

It gets better

by JessiWay - 2010-03-15 07:03:14

It will get better, Brooke! I promise! I understand how hard it is, I am 30 years old w/4 kids under the age of 10. My pacemaker went in on the 23rd of last month. I am 2 weeks post op tomorrow & it has gotten incredibly better! When people tell me I am too young to have a pacemaker I tell them I have 4 kids & a husband & I am too young to not have it! It is frustrating hearing it all the time & it is hard to adjust to the changes. The pain & the itching will get better with time. The most important thing is to be careful with your left arm, the leads will be secure in a few weeks & you will be able to go back to normal. Only with after market parts! Send me a private message if you want to chat sometime. I am on facebook, too. Take care & keep your chin up. I know it is so hard!
Jessi Way

ahhhhhh there now... it will get better

by pacergirl - 2010-03-15 07:03:29

Hello Brooke1803,
No, for me it does not get harder. It does take time to get better, but it does.
I have an over protective husband and he watches me like I'm the most prized person in his life. ha ha... Most of the time I just smile and when he isn't looking I do what I wish.
I massage my incision with different things and that helps promote healing and helps with the itchy feeling as well.
As far as people being so rude to say you are too young... I got that too... I simply point out that babies get pacemakers too and I am much older than them. That will divert their attention to the babies and they soon forget about me and my pacemaker. I had my second Pacemaker surgery on Friday, March 5 of this year. So we are healing up together.
The important thing to remember is that you aren't alone and even though I am older than you, we are here together and I will help you where i can. There are many 30ish ladies here and I know they will chime in soon. Meanwhile, Welcome to the Pacemaker Club... the place where you are not too young or too old to have a pacemaker.

You need time to rest and recover

by heartu - 2010-03-15 07:03:37

My pm surgery will be 3 weeks this Wednesday. I am 53 yo and in excellent health before all this came on suddenly (3rd degree heart block). Just this weekend I did laundry all by myself and needed a nap afterwards.

You just had surgery. It will take time to feel better. My husband and daughter have been pitching in to help. Each day I do a little more, especially walking, to help me recover.

You have every right to feel how you do. Come on here anytime and let it all out. We're here for you because we know what it's all about. I made my husband read some of the posts so he knew others felt as I do.

Hi Brooke1803

by Gellia2 - 2010-03-15 08:03:50

Like the others said so well, it WILL get better.

I got my pacemaker when I was 26. A few others here are young, and even younger with PM's and ICD's. That said, I got my first pacemaker in 1975. I will celebrate 35 pacemaker life years very soon!
That makes me, what? 61! ACK!

But, I'm a young 61!! :)

I haven't missed a thing in life. You, too, will get your life back, but be kind to yourself, first. Remind your family that you have just had surgery and need time to recover and that you NEED their help in doing so. Their help will help you to recover quicker.

Then, DO IT! Take the time to heal and be good to yourself. You will never regret it! You are definitely worth it. Sometimes we have to TAKE the time to remember that, even when family life comes at you from all sides.

There are many here that do know how you feel. Very soon you will get back to a more normal feeling you and have the peace of mind that a pacemaker can give you knowing its watching over your beating heart and protecting it.

Relax, put your feet up. There is nothing more pressing than you recovering fully so that you CAN get back to normal. Tell your DH you have the utmost confidence in him that he can care for the kids so you can recover. Three days isn't going to do it.

Hang in there. You already have many friends here.

My very best to you,

It gets better - takes time

by breezy - 2010-03-15 09:03:02

Hi brooke1803
I am 65 yrs young - have had my PM since Oct 19th 09
I still have some problems - but over all it is getting better for me - just take it easy - don't try to do very much
my husband still helps me with the laundry and the every day things - I did get outside today and worked in my flower garden - which I thought I would never be able to do again - just take it one day at a time....:) and smile and thank GOD that your here - I wake up everyday and get to look outside my living room window at the big beautiful Pac Ocean - and I thank GOD every morning that I can do just that :) After a fainting spell at our daughters they rush me to the ER and 2 days later installed my PM becuz my pulse went down into the lower 30's sometimes in the 20's
I feel blessed that I have my friend the PM - and all this happened on my birthday - UGH but I am here :) so take care and it all will fall into place for you - be careful with your arm....
I wish you well

Been there

by kmf0318 - 2010-03-15 09:03:17

Dear Brooke.
I just got my PM in an emergency on 12/2/09. I am only 45 years old. I continue to hear how young I am and why do I have the PM. I have had a hard time also accepting the fact that I have one. I even had to go back in the hospital in January for a few days. As everyone has said it takes time to get used too. I know how much better I felt after I got it. Having energy again was wonderful. I never knew how bad I had been feeling for so long. Keep in touch. Have a wonderful day. kmf0318

It will indeed get better

by SaraTB - 2010-03-16 01:03:48

I got my first PM when I was 42 (8 years ago) and I know just how you feel: the shock and adjustment period is a tough time but you will grow accustomed to having the PM and even forget about it (I'm 100% paced, and manage to forget I have it for days on end - now).
Recovering from the surgery takes it out of you too: treat yourself gently. Bear in mind that your husband is probably terrified too, but trying to be strong for you, and protecting you is the best way he knows right now.
Once you recover from the surgery, you'll start to feel better, but if you don't make sure you talk to your doctor or the PM clinic folks. It took months before my PM was finally 'tuned' the best way to suit me: we're all different and fine-tuning is sometimes needed.
And don't be afraid to keep posting here, and asking questions as you go (your husband might find it reassuring too).

Don't worry

by Charli - 2010-03-16 05:03:11

Hi, I don't think you need to worry about age. Ou needed something so you got it to improve your life - it's no different to normal surgeries. I know a lot about what people say related to having a pacemaker and age being only 15 myself. Just look at it that your life can only improve from this.
I hope this helped in some way.


Again Thanks all of you

by brooke1803 - 2010-03-16 05:03:34

I cant say enuff ..thank you!!! i read through all these reassuring comments... and all I can say. A few of ya do it all so quickly, and few of ya take your time, that is great!!! I am def. going to have my older daughters read this and my DH. They need to see what I see. I hope you all have a great and very blessed day!!

It will get way better

by Linky - 2010-03-20 09:03:22


I got my Pacemaker just before my 30th birthday when my Dr said oh woops sorry we nicked your hearts natural pacemaker in the last op - he was utterly surprised I hadn't died in the 12mths before. (I had felt absolutely awful in that 12 mths but everyone kept telling me I was over reacting). To be honest I denied I had the pacey for a good 12 mths then woke up to myself & was thankful for a 2nd chance & a way better quality of life. I turn 37 this year and yep there has been ups & downs in that time but I have a great relationship with my Dr (even though he is 1800km away) and totally embrace the fact I have my pacemaker. I think my partner had the toughest time accepting it & he worries all the time something bad will happen. But hang in there - you are a member of the Pacemaker club & there is heaps of support in here. This was probably the best resource I found.Cheers.

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