Had My Wound Check

Well Hello everyone!!! I had my wound check yesterday! All looks great, its pretty swolen and bruised (i guess thats to be expected) The thing I was not prepared for was, that you can actually see the raised area of the PM..I can trace the entire thing with my finger!!! Will it always be like this, will it remaine raised and noticable?? WOW. Scarey!!! The also did the PM interrogation, all is working well....its settings are great so far, and I am...(sadly enough) 84% dependant on the PM. So this means 16% of the time my own heart paces itself... :( I had no idea. Oh well so thankful, that I have another day above ground!!!! Well wishes to all of you!!!!



hello doll

by JessiWay - 2010-03-20 01:03:40

I am glad it went well, so glad. It is nice to have answers & peace of mind, thats the biggest thing I got from my interrogation. I am sorry your PM shows, I hoped for your case it wouldn't...we can be cope with it together! I am so glad things are looking up for you! I am going to be leaving again in a bit to take lunch to Shawn, but I will be home this afternoon. You should call me again later. We didn't have long to talk before i had to head to the chiropractor! Talk to you soon!

Thanks all

by brooke1803 - 2010-03-20 07:03:07

Yeah Flamingo, my upper chamber is being used @ 86% of the time and my lower non at all! I was like holy cow!!!! I still have steri-strips over my inscion and its VERY swolen. But each day I hear its suppose to get better and better :) I am going to go to the All Natural store placey thingy tomorrow and see if they Emu Oil. I heard it works great. But anyhow, I wanted to ay Thank You All!!!!


Hi Brooke

by Pookie - 2010-03-20 09:03:27

I have had my pacer since November of 2004 and I have a picture posted in the gallery if you want to see how much mine sticks out.

When I first had my pacer I was pacing 27% in the upper chamber and less than 1% in the ventricle.

During the years, the % has changed frequently. The highest it ever went was 72%, but every 6 months it changes - these are some of the %s that I have experienced: 52%, 46%, 60% & the latest was 66%. But my ventricle has always been at less than 1%.

I often wonder if (for me & my situation) that the %s go up the more lazy I become. :)

Again, go take a peek at the gallery as a few of us have posted our pacemaker pictures.

Take care,

Re: to Brooke

by LS - 2010-03-20 12:03:16

Glad your check up went so well for you.
It is very reassuring isn't it?
Mine works 99% of the time & I too was shocked to hear that, but very happy it's doing what it's supposed to do!
I can feel the outline of mine too & to be perfectly honest, it creeps me out! LOL Not sure why, but just the thought of it does. LOL
Guess that's why I never had any desire to go into the medical field, but I bless those that have!


by bini - 2010-03-20 12:03:56

I am not sure if it like this with everyone but I can still see the outline of my PM.
I have had my PM for a little over 2 yrs. I have a duel chamber and my atrial lead is working 83% of the time. I have to have my the atrial lead fixed soon, since it is getting pinched and is beginning to fracture. At the same time I will have my battery changed.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello :)


Hi Brooke

by Linky - 2010-03-21 07:03:54

hey there Brooke

Hang in there, for about the first 2 years my pacemaker was really visible & drove me nuts with people commenting. Then it just settled right in, I'm now in the 7th year of this Medtronic dual chamber & all you can see is a very faded scar with a tiny raise. I put Olay night cream on mine each night once it was all closed over & my Dr reckons my scar is the best faded one he has. Good luck & hang in there. It all gets better.

You know you're wired when...

You forecast electrical storms better than the weather network.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!