Right area to post??

Well I did what I thought "ok" Its been 1 month since my Pm was implanted and thought I could lift 40lbs already...well guess not. I mean I didnt hurt my PM site, it just kindapinched up some... BUT did wrench my back up pretty bad. Guess I have to start off easy.....and then gradually go big? It sucks... I never came home with any panin meds after my PM surgery..but am now on pain meds...grrrr. Oh well. ~~~~just be careful folks~~~~ when you think you can lift, take it easy! I want to get back on the horses soon..I wonder how long I have to wait??? My girls and I are so use to riding by now..they have gone but miss mama. :( UGHH. Other than that, the 12th was 1 month!!!!!! ANd I feel great. I see so many people in my life that say "wow you have such great color now!" I love hearing that! Have a great day all of you!!!!!


Take it easy.

by qwerty - 2010-04-15 09:04:52

Sounds like you are doing Great. I too like to hear "you have great color now". I guess we were really pale before and didn't know it.
Take it easy on lifting.... Give your body time to recover and build back up. It doesn't take long for the body to get used to "Not" doing things and it seems it takes twice as long to build back up to where you were before, but you can do it if you take it easy and don't rush it.
Glad to hear you are doing better.

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Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.