Floating feeling

Re my dad..his pacer was fitted 1 year ago for Bradycardia.He is 81 years of age and very fit and active still. He had it set on 50 but was too low 6 months later it went up to 60 but with no rate response.he had very heavy legs and a dragging feeling from the waist down.The pacer was put on a rate response last week and he now feels like he is floating .....heavy legs are gone thanks to rate response.Any suggestiond to help with this floating feeling which seems to make him a little distant .We just can't get it right
Not sure if we should seek another opinion


Check this out:

by Terry - 2011-03-16 06:03:57


There is apparently a fine ballance between pacing and not pacing so much if you bypass the heart's conduction system.

Floating Feeling

by SMITTY - 2011-03-16 12:03:01


One of the things I enjoy most about this site is I learn something new almost every day from the people kind enough to post their questions and comments here.

Your dad's "floating feeling" was a new term to me so I went to Google and put in "floating feeling" thinking this will stump even Google. But lo and behold this is anything but uncommon. Many people have asked about this symptom and the most common cause I saw mentioned was vertigo. However there are many things that can cause this symptom, most of which are not serious. I did not see any one that associated the symptom with a pacemaker setting. I think the best way to find out what may be causing this symptom for your dad is to take him to a Dr.

By the way, I too am 81 and have the RR on my PM turned on. The only problem I have had is the sensitivity was set a little high which made the RR to anxious to help. All I had to do was cough a little and up my heart rate would go. It took a few tries to get that problem solved but things are fine now.

I wish your dad the best,


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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.