One Week.....YAY!

Just wanted to say it is one week today since I got my new best friend, "Mr. Pacemaker". All is going fairly well but want to get back to doing some yard work and a few light housekeeping duties indoors. Is one week too early to start? Thanks again for the support and information you nice people provide.


Welcome to the club...

by COBradyBunch - 2010-03-23 01:03:05

and this one doesn't need a secret handshake or anything... just show your scar and bump and you're in.


by The Fish - 2010-03-23 01:03:20

Thanks for the comments and support. Just got back from a short walk and tried to do a little light yard work. It totally wiped me so I hear what you are saying. Ease into it slowly and stop when you feel tired. I appreciate the help and comments. All the best to each of you.

yard work

by patsy - 2010-03-23 05:03:48

HI my name is Patsy an it sounds like your comming along fine with your recovery But if i were you I hpld off on the yard work you dont want to fine yourself back in hospital Take it easy for at least one more week really

Agree with TraceyE

by DanaT - 2010-03-23 06:03:55

Hi Fish. I am about 3 1/2 weeks post pm. Welcome. It sounds like you have a great attitude, that's almost key in the whole pm experience, but easier said. TraceyE is right. If you over do it you will know it. And one day of over doing it can set you back 2 days to rest.

Step it up

by Dwight - 2010-03-23 08:03:13

The faster and harder you work the quicker you could come help some of us with ours. Haha just kidding of course. At one week you need to really really really really be careful. We know you don't want a setback or have to start over. Listen to your body and DO NOT RAKE, I was told that was a major no no in the early stages. Good luck - be safe.


by ccallahan - 2010-03-23 10:03:27

Not too much and do not lift anything over 5 lbs or so depending on what Doc says. I kept mine at 5 lbs and kept the work to a minimum for about 4 weeks. I tend to shed the stitches so I had an open wound for that long and have a tendancy to get staph, so I was a cautious one. That and the Mrs. and Grandchildren kept me on a leash.

God Bless and be careful

Rev. Chuck


by Tracey_E - 2010-03-23 11:03:45

If you feel up to it, go for it! Just be careful not to lift any weight or raise your arm higher than shoulder level on the side with your pm. And ease into it. I found that I'd feel pretty good, get a little overzealous and be sore later. It's easier than you think to overdo.

Not too much

by heartu - 2010-03-23 12:03:43

I am almost 4 weeks post PM and at week three did all the laundry myself and the ironing. The following week, I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed rugs (only have 2).

I tried not to bend too much the first 2 weeks because I found that really exhausted me. Just do as much as you can and when you feel tired, stop and rest.

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You are always wired and full of energy.

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I am active and healthy and have been given a second chance.