Couple questions.......

Question one:
Pretty sure I'm the lone ranger out here on this one, but I'd thought it was worth a shot. Is there anyone out there in pacemaker land that plays violin? I'm practicing for an uncoming performance, and am having some issues. This is the first time I've actually played for long periods of time since my pacer implant. It'd be comforting to know that I'm not the only one out there, plus I've got some issues arising from playing that I've never had to deal with before until now. Then again, I'm used to being the Lone Ranger in life. LOL! Go Tonto.

Second one:
How many of ya'll use a cordless phone on your pacer side? My pacemaker manual says not to so I haven't, but I'm getting tired of it. I bought a handsfree earpiece, but discovered that my cat has used it for a chew toy. I'm wondering if it's really that big of a deal, or should I go out and buy another handsfree earpiece. I'm tired of wasting my money on adaptive equipment if it's not really necessary. What's yall's take?

Thanks a lot,



by Angelie - 2009-02-04 01:02:15

Wow, Jane how did you know that I was on TV. Most people don't know that, and I've tried to keep it under wraps. I guess the cat's finally out of the bag!
Seriously, thanks. At least I know if a screenwriter is writing about pacemaker chicks and the problems they have playing the violin- I must not be that unique. So good to know, and rather comforting.



by markjbaker - 2009-02-04 02:02:17

The issue of concern with phones is the magnetic field caused by the speaker. It is theoretically possible for the speaker magnet to activate the magnetic switch in your pacer and turn it off. A very slim possibility, I think, given the speaker is pressed to your ear. I have an ICD as protection against another SCD, I'm not paced by it, so the risk isn't great for me If you are 100% paced or have CRT, you might want to play careful.

Did you discuss violin playing with your doc before implantation? They might have used a different location for you.

I asked my doc if I could play the piano after my implant and he said yes. He was lying, I can't play the piano now. But then I couldn't before.

Q2 answer

by ccmoore - 2009-02-04 10:02:25

Q1 - can't comment, don't play the violin.

Q2 - after my PM implant I didn't use a cordless phone or a cell phone on my pacer side [left], read the same warning. Then as time went on I forget and now I use both on my pacer side without any affect or is it effect, I can never remember or maybe I never learned.


can you guess?

by Tracey_E - 2009-02-04 11:02:36

You know my answer before I say it, right? Any phone, either side! But of course if you feel bad, you should be a little more careful and use it on the other side. Newer pm's are pretty well shielded against everyday electronics, the warnings are mostly lawyer cya crap... just my opinion, of course ;oP

Cordless Phone

by scadnama - 2009-02-04 11:02:48

No problems using a cordless phone here!

I still only use my cell phone on the opposite side of my pacemaker though.

Good luck with your performance!


Well, if it happens on television, it must be real.

by Broken Hearted Jane - 2009-02-04 12:02:42

I don't really have any answers for you except to say that there was an episode of Grey's Anatomy in which a concert violinist wanted his pacemaker removed because it was affecting the way he played. So apparently your circumstances are not unique (always good to hear). The episode is called "Blues for Sister Someone" and ran during the second season. I'm not sure I'd recommend you seeing it, however, as I do not recall it ending well...


by pete - 2009-02-05 02:02:38

I cant see there is any issue about playing the violin. I used to play it and still adore violin music. I use my cordless phone near my pacemaker without problem. Mobile phones are a much greater risk but household cordless phones are pretty safe for us pacemaker patients. Cheers Peter

playing violin

by bobbifiddler - 2010-04-07 09:04:23

Hey sis, you're not alone. I got my pasemaker 3 weeks...still not allowed to play...10 more days!

I'll let you know how I manage. I may have to customize a shoulder rest.

How's it going for you?

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