still an extreme fatique ...

Hope some of you could have an answer to this ...
I am now more than 3 months after my PM implant and can still several times a day feel an extreme fatigue: suddenly I can feel my blood becoming cold in my whole body, have to yawn to take my breath and am feeling completely weak and obliged to sleep for one or two hours (so not so easy when it happening at work :-) )
I just have the impression it happens each time the PM is taking over.
Will see my cardiologist again next wednesday and just wanted to know if you had any idea or comments in the meantime.
have a nice day or evening,


extreme fatigue

by Pookie - 2010-05-14 07:05:14


I feel the exact same way....since November 2 of 2004. I have had every test for the heart the doctors can think of, so now I am waiting for a pulmonary stress test.

My fatigue comes with no warning; it's like someone has slipped me a sleeping pill and I have NO choice but to lay down...even if it's just for 20 minutes, but it has lasted as long as a couple of hours....a dead sleep.

I am also going to be tested for Sleep Apnea but unfortunately, the wait list where I live is over a year long....unless I want to pay out of pocket. But since I cannot work, since late 2006, the having to sleep whenever "it" strikes isn't very bothersome....yet, just very inconvenient.

Have you thought of keeping a journal to see if it happens at the same time each day?

Or it could be as simple as getting a good PM tech to adjust some of the settings. Another idea, if possible, is to have the Representative of your brand of pacer, present during your pacemaker interrogation.

Good luck and take care, and if you find out the answer, please let me know :)


You're not alone.

by cruz - 2010-05-16 02:05:18

Sleep seems to affect us all. I have DCM, and the description of feeling like I've been slipped a sleeping pill is right! It was one of the reasons I had to take disability retirement long before I was ready. I could not keep my eyes open..same as above, sometimes 20 minutes and sometimes 2 hours of deep, sound sleep. I tried desperately to avoid the sleep but couldn't. I've talked to my cardiologist and EF. Some is due to the meds and some is due to just a weak heart. I'm going back for follow-up on Monday and again plan to ask why I seem to have had no improvement. I don't think I have sleep apnea, however, I also don't think it's when the PM is taking over since mine is pretty much doing it's thing continually. It's been a little over 2 mos since PM. If I find out anything, I'll post after Monday's appt.

thank you for your comments

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-05-16 05:05:21

Pookie, good idea to keep a journal. I will try that .
I am also taking lots of heart medicines and of course can not stop them . also had a pericarditis (water all around my heart after the PM implant) and also air in the stomach also due to the surgery. So it does not help. Just would like to retrieve my energy , my full energy ... morally I am still keeping a positive attitude and again when the body is not following that's not so easy. I know the doctor will say it's taking a long time but I do not like this answer ...
Of course I have to say my situation is "better" than 3 months ago but the process is very slow and so frustrated to be worst than before my PM implant...
Cruz, I'll let you know also if I have an answer :-)
Renee, my personal doctor (not the cardiologist) also mentioned the sleep apnea and did not want to hear about it ... but maybe I have to.
thanks to all of you for your kind comments.
wishing you a happy sunday, all the best and take care,
Warm regards from Chrissie

Back from doc

by cruz - 2010-05-17 03:05:44

Chrisie and Pookie,
Back from the EP and I found out the following (1) leads in tact (2) pacing at 100% (3) nothing alarming on intterogation. The EP says that 70% of PM patients feel better and function better after PM. He says my problems may be due to the leaky valve and is doing same as my cardiologiest..referring me to a cardiologist that deals only with heart failure patients. I mentioned that ANY activity puts me in a deep sound spleep. He says I should be feeling better and I have to make a point of walking, stopping if chest starts hurting or SOB, rest, walk again. I don't have a date forthe appt with Heart Failure Specialist yet. Now that I've had what constitutes a busy morning (docotr's appt.) I have to go lay down and nap. My eyes are literally crossing and I cant' keep myself awake.

thanks for your feedback

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-05-17 04:05:07

will give you mine on wednesday :-)

I understand how you feel and be sure I am supporting you .
Have a nice day,
take care,

Back from doc

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-05-19 02:05:04

Blood pressure not very high. Heart beating quite fast 85-90 when laying down ...
Still lots of air in stomach that can explain my extreme fatigue . Doctor did adjust the medicine and took out the one that avoids me to pass out (even with my PM) so told him I do not want to faint again. Did give me some others pills to again take out air in stomach. When will I see the end ?
The fact that my blood is also suddenly becoming very cold should come also from the stomach due to the fact that the air is then compressing my heart... Same goes with yawning : is coming from the sympathic and parasympathic systems in my brain that consequently are not synchronized ...
So Have to follow this treatment for 6 weeks now ...
Doc also told me to start again my sporting activities ? quite contradictory as my body is not following ...but activity would help to take out the air I am supposed to run for one hour !!! LOL Doc is not asking for performance but just some 20 minutes walk (what I am currently doing) ... just would like to see some improvements, even a tiny improvement but an improvement !!! I will let you know,
thanks to all of you for your comments,
big hugs from Chrissie

Forgot also to mention

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-05-19 02:05:40

sleep apnea : I told him I was not sleeping well at all and mentioned sleep apnea ... and advised me to ask my husband to check during the night my breath was totally stopping (easy for my husband !!).
New treatment should make effect within 2 weeks ... Wait and see :-)

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