Say I am in a bank....

Lets say I am in a bank, I am about to walk up the teller, and couple of guys/gals get in to rob the bank. I play hero, and the big guy jumps me, and stabs me.

What happens, since I have a PM, does he get a jolt or do I die right away and he gets away? Has anyone done any research or been in such an episode?

Curious! if this makes you laugh, good....


Hero ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-27 05:03:58

The "hero" in this subject being me? The "hero" turns and runs away, all the while my heart pounding & the PM trying to pace. 60, 120, 160, where does it end?

Yes, this is a cutie to send out. We need more "funnies" like this edmondme. More belly laughs are better than any meds being taken today. Bless U.

Keep the "funnies", gratitudes and good stories coming everyone. We need a "lite side" to this good life.

In the mean time, if any of you have concerns/troubles, etc. with your PM/ICD, keep sending your good "posts" so the good, educated PM members can help you with their years of experience. They are wonderful!

Bear Hugs, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

and the story continues...

by MAXI1439 - 2010-03-27 06:03:27

Well maybe what really happens is that the bank robber has a pacemaker and the police come in and zap him with a tazer, wouldn't that cause him a jolt or two, lol

All of us could probably think of so many scenerios about what if, and hopefully they are all of a comical nature. Thanks for the laugh. Have a great day.


by ElectricFrank - 2010-03-27 07:03:43

Maybe his knife hits your pacemaker and just gives you a fresh incision. You grab the money and use it to pay for a new pacer.

how's that?


Rat in kitchen!

by edmondme - 2010-03-27 11:03:18

I know we are all joking, but you never know. a few minutes ago, I was in the kitchen, we have a rat in the kitchen and no rat trap, so I was in there, calming myself down, so if I get to see the rat, I wouldn't shock myself and then I thought, what if I got shocked, and touched the rat too ;-)
Instant rat trap!!!!

On another thought, not sure, if anyone is taking Warfarin/Coumadin, but the folk story is that Coumadin was first introduced as a rat poison, so I wanted to give the rat some coumadin, but I felt sorry for the little guy, what would his cardiologist say?! Does he have HMO or is waiting for the healthcare plan!

Bottom line

by Dwight - 2010-03-27 11:03:43

OK I have the scoop. This is what happens, and I know this to be true for I spent 6 hours researching this on the internet.

1. Your leads get cut from the stabbing so its back to the operating table for you and start it all over again.

2. The robber gets covered in red dye from all the loot, gets cornered up at the local zippy rip and goes to jail for 2 weeks.

3. The bank is open for business as usual the next day as if nothing happened.

Bottom line - be careful out there during your recovery.


Oh my this is Fun!

by pacergirl - 2010-03-27 11:03:44

Let me see.....

I think the robber dies on the spot because I am now packing a the new ACCENT pacemaker and I am online with my wireless. So I have already transmitted the information to the cardiologist that I am in need of medical attention because my HR is going crazy and my bestest girlfriend ever Tammy C. is with me and she is also wired with a ACCENT and a Merlin so the robber gets a double whammy shock from the two of us super charged PACER CHICKS!

And why do I know this you might ask.... because we ROCK! That's why. No man, no way, no robber will stand in our way. We have already fought too many battles, have too many scars and shed too my tears to be brought down by any ordinary robber! We have what it takes and we know how to have some fun too!

No reason to take this stuff seriously, we're just having some fun. So don't freak out anyone... lol My spam filter is reading dbsek ha ha... how cool is that. kinda like berserk! he he Life is grand! Have some fun.


Bottom Line ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-28 01:03:19

Watch for the rat! He is out there to get ya' ~

Thanks for playing such good, "what ifs" ~ what imaginations we have! How fun! Thanks to you who have such a terrific sense of humor. As I have stated before, more laughs the merrier. Making people laugh can cut down on the meds. Laughs lower my BP, not arguements and controversies. Keep the belly laughs coming ~ Love it.

Bottom Line: Thank God for my lil' energizer bunny or I would not be thinking at all ~

Bear Hugs to All, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

what if your pm gets shot...

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-28 09:03:28

Check this out, true story! There used to be a video that showed his bullet scar but I can't find it since the redid their website

I recall

by pacergirl - 2010-03-28 10:03:30

I remember reading about that! Somehow the bullet hit the PM and the patient survived with a small bullet hole and a new PM. How about that!

I have enjoyed the funny stories. It is so nice to be able to come here and read something other than about the reality of our lives.

Life can be so hard and to visit the lighter side of it all really makes the days when I am so sick somehow easier. We each have pain, complications, medication problems, emotional difficulties to deal with because of our PM/ICD.

With stories like this I am able to escape for a few minutes. Thank you for your happy stories.


I reckon

by Linky - 2010-04-02 08:04:10

I actually did wonder what happens if we do suddenly die & asked my Dr (he tells me he can't wait to see what questions I have for him each year) well he told me that if I did croak it even though I would be dead they would have to actually turn the pacemaker off as it would still keep working even if I was dead. The Medtronics manual tells me that I have to have it removed to be cremated when the time comes. I did watch one of those crimes solved shows that had a gentleman in New Zealand who was killed by his neighbour & as he had a pacemaker it was able to tell them the exact moment of the attack when they did the download & used it as part of the evidence in court when the neighbour was convicted of murder. I thought that was pretty amazing when I saw that.

You know you're wired when...

You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is the best thing that every happened to me, had I not got it I would not be here today.