Underarm twitching

Has anyone been experiencing mild twitching underarm. My underarm keeps twitching, but every time I go to touch it, I don't sense it anymore, it's as if it's in my head! Has anyone experienced such a thing? Maybe I am worried that the the device is buzzing!



by ElectricFrank - 2010-11-08 11:11:45

First off is the twitching in sync with your heart beat. If not then it isn't related to the pacer.

If it is twitching along with your heart beat it could be that the pacer has switched into what is called uni-polar mode. This can happen for a number of reasons and because this mode causes the pacing current to return to the pacer though body tissue it can cause muscles to twitch. It can also happen if the pacing voltage is set fairly high.

Having a muscle twitch stop when we pay attention to it or lightly touch the area is common even without a pacermaker. It's just one of those strange ways our bodies nervous system operates. I have a calf muscle that twitches sometimes. Just looking at it will stop it.



by ambers - 2010-11-09 12:11:09

I've felt it too...when I asked my doctor they said it was probably just my muscles getting used to the device. They also said it might be related to the voltage because its set higher for awhile to begin with.

Saw the technician today

by edmondme - 2010-11-10 05:11:06

The St. Jude technician today mentioned that the device will buzz, he set the device to buzz only once. However when he tested it, it wasn't what I had felt this past few days. He indicated that it could be a muscle nerve twitch. Interesting the twitch went away after I made the appointment and I don't have any more of that sensation.

I guess it just needed my attention!

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