Anyone else have this problem??

I am new to this site and to pm's in general. I have only posted once before and some very nice people helped me out with answers to my questions. I had my pm implant on March 19 and although most of the soreness and pain I was experiencing due to a 2 1/2 hour problem getting the dual chamber wires in place was lessening I now find that even though I am sleeping on my back (probably also once in a while rolling over to my side) I wake up with my left shoulder quite sore - and sometimes my right shoulder also! I also have days where just about everything hurts from the waist to the neck! Have any of you had this problem? I have tried extra pillows and even softer pillows but nothing seems to help. Just getting into bed and lying down and getting up in the morning seem to be the most painful times. Mornings are especially bad because the soreness and pain lasts half the day. Sorry I am rambling on.....
Jean S


Hi Jean

by MAXI1439 - 2010-04-11 01:04:04

I got my pacemaker on 2/4/10 and also had a longer surgery due to problems with lead placement. I still have quite a bit of pain, plus numbness in top of arm and front of shoulder. I had been sleeping on my back until my first checkup with doc after surgery and now sleeping however I can. I also suffer from fibromyalgia and I believe alot of my pain is related to that and possibly slower healing because of it.

In my opinion I would call my family doctor and get in right away for a checkup and see what they tell you. If they feel you need to see the surgeon/specialist they will let you know. There may be another reason you are sore and have so much pain that long into the day that isn't just in your shoulder.

Hope you feel better. Please feel free to email me privately if you would like to chat. Keep me updated on how you are feeling.


Hi Jean :)

by brooke1803 - 2010-04-11 02:04:44

I hada longer surgery as well... seems to be the story here..same problem lead placement... it sucked...but then was kinda funny bcause i got to spend more time joking with the techs and Card. lol. I have some pain when i sleep. but more so when i wake up... because of the position i sleep in i guess..what i have done to stop the pain for the most part, is switched sides with my hubby (sides of the bed) he hates it, and so do i, but it reminds me not to turn onto my left side.... and just gives my body a different perspective in sleeping i

I agree with Marcia, check with your PCP, see what they say. Maybe you need something to help you sleep, like take some tylonal befor bed that may help, or they may have some great ideas. Keep in mind, you havea pice of metal near you collar it may just be jarring up on ya, its what i tell myself...take a lil ibprophen and i feel better. I lay my pillows a certain way too, to kina sleep flat but upright.

Try to feel better sweety!!!!


Sleepless in GA too

by cruz - 2010-04-11 03:04:17

I had to carefully read your question to make sure I hadn't posted...then I saw menion of hubby (I'm divorced). I'm very sore when I wake and a couple of nights ago, seriously, the implant was "buzzing" (but no noise) and it woke me. I'm also having weird dreams. Bfore this, I don't remember having a dream in years. Now I'm involved in some sort of weird dream everytime I fall asleep, even if just taking a nap. I plan to call the EP's tech tomorrow as I do feel it's all related to the procedure and the hardware. I guess this is to teach us patience???

body pillow

by sam78 - 2010-04-11 05:04:47

Not sure if you have tried this.. but a body pillow is what saved me. I cannot stand to sleep on my back. I got one of those body pillows that I could hug and put my leg over and I found that I was able to sleep on my side and slept quite well. It does take a while though before laying on your side doesnt hurt. Hang in there!

Mine went away

by heartu - 2010-04-12 08:04:10

I think in the beginning I really babied my left arm by trying not to move it if possible. My husband got on my case because he said if I don't use it, my shoulder will freeze and the recovery will be longer. My arm, neck, shoulder really hurt, even after waking up in the morning. I have a small pillow that I used to prop up my left arm while I slept.

So then I made sure I used my arm, did shoulder shrugs, neck stretches, arm circles while bending over, etc and found that the pain went away. Now at over 6 weeks I am starting gentle arm stretches across my body to really loosen up my joints and while they hurt, this morning the upper body is feeling pretty good.

Thanks to all

by Jean S - 2010-04-12 11:04:22

Last night I tried moving pillows around so that my shoulders were supported as well as my head and neck and guess what - no shoulder or upper body pain today! I just wanted to thank Maxi, brooke, cruz, sam, renee and heartu for their input and suggestions and I wish all of you the best of health with our new little friend, the pacemaker!

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