7 weeks: still stressed!

Today is 7 weeks since my PM. I have come a long way: reduced my meds for the tachycardia, back at work. I don't worry so much about the PM as I did.
But I am also so far from where I thought I would be (wish I had this site before the procedure: would have been more realistic!). Still lots of pain in my shoulder, which seems to make all my arm and back tremble and makes`me think I'm having palpitations. And I can't stop thinking about my pulse however hard I try, not helped by the fact that I seem to be able to feel it all the time. Terrified of the teachycardia coming back and ending up back in the hospital. I am grumpy and anxious, arguing with the people I love most. I feel left behind my all the people on the site who are feeling better, even though they really insipire me and give me hope. I have lost patience, and just want to feel normal.

Did anyone else feel like this so far on?



"Real" support group

by golden_snitch - 2010-05-14 04:05:11

Hey Genie,

maybe you would benefit from a "real" patient support group where you can meet other patients face-to-face. I don't know if you have heard about the Arrhythmia Alliance, yet, if not check it out at:

There is a list of heart support groups following this link:

Every patient is different. Some of us have or had a hard time coping with this whole situation and getting used to having a pacer, some did better. There is no average period of time you need to get used to it, to heal. Seven weeks actually isn't that much, give yourself some more time. Treat yourself to something, do stuff with family & friends, and talk to others who have been there, done that. That's what has always helped me the most: talking to others.

Best wishes

I'll Check it Out!

by Genie - 2010-05-14 04:05:55

Thanks Inga, your kind words are really helpful. I'll definitely check out the sites you suggest.


7 weeks

by LS - 2010-05-14 07:05:16

Oh yes, I was still pretty miserable emotionally at that point!
Right now at about 14/15 weeks I feel more relaxed & much, much better.
Just today Gellia was telling me that one day I won't even think about the PM!!
You'll be the same way too.

Hi Genie

by Gellia3 - 2010-05-14 11:05:36

Inga is soooo right! Some do better than others right away and treating yourself EXTRA special will help.
How one feels depends on so many things. One thing though......It WILL get better.
All of us, for the most part, have been right where you are and probably more than once.
Give yourself the gift of time.

I cried for three weeks straight after my fourth PM (first dual chamber) was placed. I have no idea why that one made me so tired and anxious, but it did.

Things started to improve and the pain and fatigue gradually went away. That was so long ago (1982), it's but a memory, I hope that is what will happen for you, too.

Snitch's idea of a face to face group is super. I wish I had been able to find one back then. In the meantime, we're here to give you whatever support we can!

My best to you,

Only 7 weeks

by sln - 2010-05-14 12:05:13

Inga is right; seven weeks is not long at all. For some of us, I think it's sort of the point where the immediate crisis of getting the PM is over and we start to work on integrating it into our lives. I was still feeling confused and conflicted at that point as well, but things got better and better as time went on and now I don't think about the PM much at all. I also had a lot of pain in my shoulder at seven weeks and got physical therapy to loosen it up and get my strength back. That took care of the problem completely and might be something to discuss with your doctor.

You will feel better! I was also grumpy and anxious with people and they understood and forgave :-)

genie hi..

by bunnykin - 2010-05-15 01:05:37

I can relate to your fear of tachycardia whichever kind it might be, cos I have been really disturbed by this for some months even tho I've seen better days for many years. Of late I noticed your posts and felt that you're not alone and so long as your tachycardia is not the dangerous sort ie. leading to VT or similar, rest assured it's not really life threatening. Pls try allay your frustration of discomfort by asking your Dr during your next visit. I think your device will settle in soon with less pain each passing day. As I know you've once prayed for my problem, here I am tonight going to pray that you'll get better soon! May our Lord Jesus keep your pains at bay and give you speedy recovery. take care and God bless. bunnykin.

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