Some Good News (For Once)!

Yes, you are not mistaken: I am actually going to post something positive! Make a note of the date, so next time I'm being all doom and gloom (I'd give me 'til the end of the week, or at the most 'til the week after when I see my cardiologist, LOL), you can post this message back to me.

I went for my 6 week pacing check today. No AF. Only one very fast rate, an atrial and ventricular tachycardia of 150 - and I know why that was (I wish I was doing something exciting, but actually I was having a terrible argument with a loved one).

Only pacing 10% in the atrium, 2% in the ventricle, down from 30% atrium three weeks ago. I came home from the clinic, walked across the river Thames, in the sunshine (yes, sunshine in London, it really is unbelievable!), and for the first time I felt NORMAL.

I'm too much of a pessimist to say this is the end of my anxiety, but I do feel I've seen the possibility of a life beyond this: where problems do get solved, and we get good news as well as bad.

I don't think I'd still be sane at this point if it wasn't for everyone here sending me their kind wishes, positive thoughts, and prayers. And I hope this post reminds you (especially if you're not having a good day) all how great you are, and that you make a real difference!

A (just this once) Happy Genie


Great News

by Barbara46 - 2010-05-17 01:05:01

Great News. Glad to hear it:)


by Loopy Lou - 2010-05-17 02:05:41

Yep I agree, sanity is over-rated! Such good news.....! Take care and keep on smiling!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxxx

Nice to hear Genie

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-05-17 04:05:41

We are all so happy for you , keep this happy attitude ! we love it !!
take care,

Good for you!

by wenditt - 2010-05-17 11:05:35

Happy to hear you got good news and are spreading the cheer!

Sanity is over-rated anyway LOL....coming from one who knows!


Oh's answered.

by bunnykin - 2010-05-17 12:05:40

Prayers do get answered when God thinks it's time; and this probably is the time. Hope you continue to have good days Genie...May continuous blessings go your way from now. All the best.(pls read pte.
msg.tho a bit belated) bunnykin.

You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.