EGM artifact ?

Is it even possible for a pacemaker to record "artifact".
I got irrate at my nurse because she claimed that my pacemaker recorded artifact- as if I just pulled these numbers out of a hat or something. I could have slapped her.
Her tone was inappropriate, and I guess that's what made me mad. She's one of the ones who's forgotten that I have an atrial lead only. (hence the confusion)
She thought my 380 tach was artifact, because there's no way I could have a heart rate that fast, but she forgot that my lead in my atrium picked up a rate of 380 which is in fact atrial flutter, and very well within flutter range.
This is so frustrating.
If pacers record artifact then I would have recordings all of the time.


Possible Artifact

by kcruz - 2009-02-25 01:02:12

I know where your coming from, sometimes the device people need a little tackful compassion, the sometimes forget that there is a patient attached to the device. Anyway to answer your question, device can pick up artifact , some of the causes are myopotentials, this can be 60% of the time confirmed by having pts do isomentric movements to so call recreate the artifact. Other causes that can also look as artifact can sometimes be related to lead reversal in the header of the device, which wouldn't be your case as you only have lead you stated, or a loose set screw can sometimes cause artifact too. I would call the docs office and ask if it would be possible to talk with the physician on what had occured, most docs are unaware of how some of the reps or staff checking the device relay information to pts, and sometimes they need a gentle reminder that issue like this should be addressed by the physician

this occurred at my doc's office

by Angelie - 2009-02-25 02:02:37

the docs nurse was the one telling me this info

hey isnt

by walkerd - 2009-02-26 05:02:04

Cabg patch and artifact????? Just kidding that is the most frustrating thing I can think of when they in the medical field treat you like your an idiot. Its like your making something up when you tell them something.

Cabg dont be mad at me for trying my hand at humor, even tho im not good at it. lol .


It's alright Dave

by Angelie - 2009-02-26 09:02:16

After this "incident", I did feel like one big gigantic artifact, as if my entire life was just a huge artifact.

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.