is this normal?

i got my icd april 5th. i feel a small thump quite a lot in my chest.
i'ts not painfull just a little thump severall times in a row.
i'm just concerned i will ask my doctor monday.
but is this normal does anyone else feel this.



I think so...

by ckangel415 - 2010-04-11 04:04:59

I had the same feelings but with my pacemaker, I tried to describe i to my Dr but he didnt seem think much of it, said it may have been my SVT, I still get it almost everyday just a few seconds and then it stops.


by dottodot - 2010-04-11 05:04:08

I've had my pm for 1 year and have what I call is a flutter feeling. I mentioned it when I was in and they weren't concerned but then I had an episode of afib shortly after I had my pm and was in the ER. It actually corelated with the ventricular lead pacing and when I asked my next visit they said some people feel it. As long as I know what it is I'm ok with it and my primary doc said sometimes it's where the lead is.


by mikej - 2010-04-11 05:04:10

you didint say why you got the icd or what kind it is now theres several different kinds you may have one that delivers therapy feels like 3 little thumps in your chest,mention it to your doctor to be safe.

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