When to start

I had a pacemaker emergency on Tuesday 4/19/10 because of heart block. I experienced no prior symptoms. I played 11/2 hours of singles tennis 3 days straight prior to the surgery.I even played singles for 11/2 hours and biked 23 miles a few Sundays ago with no symptoms.My GP believes my heart block was brought on by an attack of severe cramps[ that brought me to the Doctor ]that Affected the A-V node.I did show some electrical irregularities on an EKG in 2005 that my GP said was not significant. My heart rate was back to normal the next day without an assist from the PM. I know I can't play tennis because of my arm for 4 weeks do you think I can start working out on a exercise bike or an elliptical machine[no arms] already. If it wasn't for my shoulder I wouldn't know I had surgery. I feel great. Jerry



by LS - 2010-04-23 06:04:15

You had the surgery 4 days ago. I guess sitting on a bike would be OK.
Just don't over do it. Just because we "feel" great it's easy to do more than we should & then have a set back.


by Tracey_E - 2010-04-23 10:04:01

Everyone is different. Unless you have other problems or your heart was damaged structurally, most drs clear us for light aerobic exercise whenever we feel up to it. I've been back to walking or the treadmill and elliptical without arms in less than a week after each of my surgeries.

Ask about tennis. Most drs say 6-8 weeks for rigorous activity. Mine cleared me for everything but golf and tennis at 4 weeks, wanted me to wait 8 for them.

Glad to hear you're bouncing back so quickly!

Leads need to set

by heckboy - 2010-04-25 11:04:31

I wouldn't push it. I'm an active guy and partially pulled a lead on my first PM because I felt great and ready for action. The result was diminished battery life because they had to turn of the power to compensate.

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You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

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