ICD with defibulator

I seem to still be having problems - of course I only had this done this past Monday the 19th. My heart seems to beat to hard and I have heart pains which I did not before. My blood pressure is up. Have there ever been a time when the pacemaker has been removed.
Please respond


See The Doctor

by SMITTY - 2010-04-23 08:04:48

Hello Fabians36,

Yes, pacemakers do get removed when the reason they were implanted no longer exists. Rare, but it does happen. But before you throw in the towel on yours get in touch with your doctor and tell him what is going on. It is entirely possible all you need is to have some changes made in the pacemaker settings, which will take about 15 minutes. When a pacemaker is implanted the Dr uses his knowledge of the patients illness and his best guess to come up with the pacemaker settings we go home with. Most of the time those settings are fine, but occasionally someone (like you for example) finds the cure is as bad as the illness and they need help.

Pain can cause an increase in blood pressure. After four days about the only discomfort you should expect is soreness around the area where the pacemaker is implanted. From your short message my first guess is that you need to see the Dr before you get totally disenchanted with your pacemaker.

Best of luck to you,


Happened to me, too

by Tracie H - 2010-04-24 09:04:48

Hey Fabians36 -
I had a similar experience, although I have just the pacemaker. My doctor adjusted my it and now I am fine. It took a few visits and "sob stories" to convince him something wasn't right, but he finally listened (or got sick of me...) and adjusted it. Make a visit to him and talk with him. That's why they're paid the big bucks!!
Good luck!

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.