Hi Everyone...

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I posted on here. It's been about 7 months that I've had my PM and I'm just starting to feel like I don't have it! hahah Sometimes I just forget, which is amazing! Funny story...the other day I met some new people and one guy said "You're so energenic and happy. Do you run on batteries!?" I was laughing to myself, if he only knew!
I'm feeling like I should start working out since I haven't in a while. I was really afraid for a while, however went for my 6 month check the other day and my doctor said he would like to see me start having more activity in my life. Any suggestions as to what I can do to get started. What do you all do for excercise? I'm not that active so I definitly need to start slow! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day!!!




by qwerty - 2010-11-22 05:11:13

Whatever you do, make sure it is FUN. I am not as active as some, and I really don't do "outdoors" much. I walk some but Running is not for me.

I got me a Wii Fit and I have really enjoyed it. There are lots of exercises to do, and the games are made to improve balance and get your heart rate up a little. And I really enjoy it. I can beat the hubby in Tennis, and he beats me in baseball. But whatever we do it gets us Off the couch and moving around. At 60, I pride myself with my Wii skateboard ability. I can out skateboard my friends daughter who is 16!!
But the main reason I like the Wii is that I can do it by myself. The stretching and yoga and strength exercises get me up and moving and then to reward myself for a job well done, I skateboard or fly or play some games.
Some might say this is not physical enough. But anyone that can hula hoop for 6 minutes isn't a sissy.
I also have some tapes that I watch and "walk" with. They use your arms and do some kicks, but it is a good work out for me.
These are just a couple of things I do. But remember, it MUST be fun or you won't keep it up.

Have a good day

Yes FUN is a great way to start!

by Rubies61 - 2010-11-22 09:11:58

Did you do any activities before the PM that you would like to start doing again? If the DR says OK then go for it. Or are there things you always wanted to do but never had the energy for?

I was never active - even when I was young and thin....but now with my PM I can finally exercise and enjoy it. I love the water classes at my YMCA. There is deep water running (no stress on the joints), aqua pilates, hydospinning (bikes in the water !), I've even tried pilates on land (great core workout). I've walked a couple of 5k's with my Weightwatchers group.

But my current favorite is hiking and geocaching! My husband bought a handheld gps (but some phones do it too) and we can hike and treasure hunt at the same time. The caches are hidden all over the world and depending on the location and terrian it can be quite a workout.

And of course there is the Wii too (although mine tells me I am unbalanced - I think it means mentally....lol)


Lots of possibilities

by ElectricFrank - 2010-11-23 12:11:21

One real easy and effective way to keep active is to park way out in the lot at shopping malls, use the stairs instead of escalators, etc. The nice thing about this is that it is so natural and likely to continue.

A lot otherwise depends on where you live and what's available. I live in a small town surrounded by desert so it is easy to take a few mile hike in beautiful country. I can either hike on the level or there are some substantial hills to climb if I want a bit more. I also like bike riding if I get around to fixing a flat tire.

I agree with Querty..Whatever you do, make sure it is FUN.

As for the running on batteries comment, just open your shirt and say "gee I need to check the water in my batteries".


hi jess

by Hot Heart - 2010-11-24 04:11:08

Glad to hear that you are doing well. I do lots of swimming, I've also got a hoolahoop and a mini trampoline at home. Walking is great. Just be careful about doing contact sports, or anything which involves really heavy lifting. I wouldn't recommend hanging from the climbing frame either, and I dont do that exercise at the gym where you pull yourself up and then hang down afterwards either, think it might put too much pressure on the wires.

Whatever you do just enjoy.

Ohhhh I also dance a lot (sometimes at home in the kitchen! lol)


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