anemia and meds

Oh more problems. Dr. just told me that my colesterol count was great but..... my iron and folic acid count was way low and we needed to retest it. Darn, this is what started the whole process toward sudden cardiac death ! I was anemic. That was due to a rare reaction to plavix which I didn't need as there was no blockage problems. I knew I was getting short of breath again and wondered why and I felt more tired than usual too. Anyone out there have anemia problems with meds? I am taking Toprol XL and Cozar Can either of those give me an anemic reaction?



by sam78 - 2010-09-02 12:09:01

I am currently struggling with anemia as well. Got transfused a couple of weeks ago. Definitely plays a number on the arrhythmias when you are low! Today I went and did my anemia blood work which consisted of 11 tubes of blood! I thought man if I wasnt anemic before I am now! Anyways, I have never heard of those medications causing anemia... however if you are low on iron and folic acid that would be your cause of anemia right there. Both of those cause anemia.

Iron deficiency anaemia

by Janey L - 2010-09-04 12:09:35

Hi. I don't know if your meds would cause the anaemia. But last year, during my arrhythmia problems, the Dr's found I had iron defiency anaemia. I was really shocked as I'd never had it before. I was put on iron for 3 months & my levels returned to normal. My arrhythmia seemed to be a separate issue from the iron def anaemia as my arrhythmia problems continued even when my iron & haemoglobin were back to normal.

But this year my Dr found my levels are dropping again. My GP (UK) never found out last year what caused it & I am a bit concerned that it will drop a lot soon & I'll be back on the iron. The levels are borderline now. I had a gastroscopy last year (as I have a history of stomach trouble) but no bleeding found.

Mentioning Plavix! I've been on it nearly 6 weeks now, post ablation, & I hate it! My blood pressure has been very low (85/50) since I went on it. The Dr's said it wouldn't cause low BP but I finish it next Tuesday so I will see if my BP picks up then! I'm allergic to aspirin so they gave me plavix instead.

I hope your anaemia improves soon. Good luck.

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