Intravenous Morphine

Is anyone out there allergic to morphine? The last few heart procedures I've had I have gotten hives at my IV site from IV Morphine.
It's just at the IV site and no where else. I'm scared not to take the Morphine because I know that it works really well. I've never been allergic to anything, don't want the hassle of it, and am scared that I won't be able to take anything now.
What else is there to take that works equally well.
I haven't told my doctors because they will definitely list it as an allergy forever, I'm sure. This sucks.


Allergic Reaction

by Pookie - 2009-05-06 01:05:30

Hi Angelie,

I too develop an instant rash upon receiving morphine via an IV. Like you, just at the injection site. Then the nurses just give me Benadryl, which really makes me tired.

The doctor just told me to add this to my list of allergies, but it doesn't mean I cannot have it in the future, if need be.

Hives originating from any drug can run the risk of developing into anaphylactic shock so please be careful. Your doctors should be able to come up with a comparable pain med for you. What about Fentynal?



by newbiegal5 - 2009-05-06 01:05:56

like pookie suggested..
fentynal. i was in the hospital for a week and was basically needing morphine a lot for a different condition and after about 2 days i developed a rash all over my body from it and itched severly. they switched me to fentynal with an boost of ativan to make sure it worked for a while. I have a lot of allergies to pain meds so i totally understand. i'm allergic to vicodin and percocet an the anitbiotic sulfa. i can take morphine now again, but they monitor it closely in case.
best of luck, and be careful!!

Patch !

by Angelie - 2009-05-06 12:05:48

I tried. It's SO frustrating. I even waited for hours out in the rain by the local Jiffy Mart, but he won't help me.
Maybe my fish-net stockings scared him away. Who knows?

MS didn't work for me

by janetinak - 2009-05-07 03:05:02

When I had my 1st knee replacement I got Demerol in my IV pump (PCE) & worked great. Then on the 2nd replacement 6 wks later I got MS & didn't help pain & made me very nauseated. So if you have not tried Demerol may be worth a try. There also is Dilaludid (not sure spelling) which is pretty nice too. :-) I never had it but it is in the top 3 category of biggies.,

Good luck,



by GCWebb - 2009-05-08 02:05:01

Not really alergic, but lived on it for two weeks after knee surgery and it and my brain now don't get along, so other drugs were used for pacer surgery.

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