pacemaker accelerometer issues

Hi all,
I'm new to this site but have had my St. Jude pacemaker
model 5816 since Jan 2008. I read here that other people
have had similar issues with their accerometer pacing them
at max heart rate as soon as they start running and continues
to do so at a very slow running pace. Since my endurance,
running fitness, and speed don't seem to be improving at all,
even with 4 times a week running workouts, I feel that something is wrong. My cardiologist thinks we need to look
at some other issues, such as pulmonary function, etc, and
doesn't think there is a downside to the accerometer pacing
me so fast with slow running. I theorize that I'm not getting
the training effect in my running (stronger heart muscle with
greater volume per stoke) with the heart beating so fast with
slow (or fast) running. Someone with the same pacemaker
accelerrometer problem posted the he could only run 3 slow
miles (when he was wanting to train for a marathon) and
felt lousy when running.
Does any one know or understand what the downside would
be to such a rapid heartbeat with slow running? I even called
the St. Jude tech support line and spoke to a nice young
woman who is a runner herself. She couldn't come up with
a reason why the accelerometer pacing me that fast would
necessarily be a problem. Any ideas? I'm frustrated!
Chris Hair


Rate adaptation

by Selwyn - 2010-05-19 08:05:51

My St Jude is adjusted so that the rate rises after a few seconds of exercise fairly constantly up to the maximum of 140/min, then takes about 45 seconds to settle, I think, when I check my pulse in the recovery phase of exercise.

The threshold for rate-adaptive pacing may be set, as can the maximum rate. So this sets the start and the finish if you like for an increased heart rate. The response intensity ( ie. the slope of the graph from start to finish) may also be set by the programming of the pacemaker operator.
On my print out from the operator my settings are: Sensor on , Threshold Auto (+0.0), slope is 8, max sensor rate 140bpm, Reaction time -Very fast, Recovery time- Medium.

This enables me to swim faster than most for my age, with some shortness of breath on recovery, but no more than I would expect.

My advice: talk with the person programming your pacemaker. Discuss your settings.
There is hope. Don't worry, your problem can be solved.
Best wishes,

You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.