
Evening everybody... i'm new to the club. I had my PM installed nine months ago, to conbat syncope. I still get occasional soreness in the pocket area, especially after i have been gardening. It may be that using a hedge trimmer above my head and suchlikeis aggravating the site. i can live with the nuisance but would like some advice form any kken, PM packin' member has experienced similar discomfort after such a timespan. I find the postings encouraging overall.



by pacergirl - 2010-05-16 05:05:31

Hedge trimmers over your head? Really? I never did that before the pacemaker nor after. Wow.

Ok, now for the heartfelt comments. Yes, if I use power tools above my head I still suffer some soreness later. It just isn't a good idea for anyone to be doing that. I suggest a stable ladder or hire it done. There are plenty of things to do in my yard without me attacking the hedge with the trimmers above my head. My husband would have a fit if he caught me doing that. Now if you are a man I can see why you might think it was ok, but please I beg you to be careful. Better idea, get someone to help you. It makes them feel good and you don't get hurt! It is a win/win.

Take care,

I had soreness

by janetinak - 2010-05-16 11:05:50

of one type or the other in the pocket area on my 1st PM for about a year after insertion. Dr said it would go away & it did. I never did any gardening (like to look but not do it) & was fairly sedentary for awhile after 1st insertion. Now for the good news, I had hardly any soreness after the 2nd insertion as same pocket used.

Hope that helps,



by tullaroan - 2010-05-17 11:05:26

Tks to PG and Janet.

PG, I am a man and an Irishman to boot! Its silly, I know but I love my big hedges, and am reluctant to hand over their maintainance. After all, I am only 70yrs.
old! But of course you are right, and I will have to cut that out.

Janet, As above, I will have to be more careful. Interesting to read that that you still had pocket soreness after a year, so maybe I need more patience--- and less gardening.Here in the Emerald Isle, we are partial to excess in everything!

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