Palps after PM??

Hi all! I just joined on behalf of my father who just got his PM on Tuesday. He has a Boston Sci. and it's set at 65 bpm. He had a low heart rate and constant palps. Tonight he has noticed a few palps. Is this normal? I am trying to keep him from stressing out. But now I'm stressing! Thanks in advance for any help ;D


Thank you!!!

by lostinthelight - 2010-05-28 03:05:29

Thank you so much. I am waiting on his doc to call back now and I will forward on the info that you gave me. I think as long as he knows it's normal then he'll be fine with it.
You guys are the best!

Hi Lost

by Hot Heart - 2010-05-28 08:05:29

Yep, it sounds normal to me. It is really strange at first when you get the pm, especially if you had a really low heart rate like I did. Suddenly you are in tune with every little blip that your heart makes, it feels like its racing when you are in bed especially.

Take his pulse and if its around 65 then dont worry too much. If he is worried it will make him worse.

Good luck

HH xx


by wenditt - 2010-05-28 08:05:30

Had palpitations for months after I got my PM....and still do sometimes. Went back to the dr. several times, wore halter monitors and it all came down to be stressed and worried about the new PM.

For some, getting their PM is a godsend and they are over the moon and relieved to finally have it. For others whom it may have been a shock to (like me), seem to take a little longer to adjust to....thus they (we) feel every little beat our heart makes and are worried if it's normal, not normal etc...

But if he is still not comfortable, and worried then he should call back the doctor just to make sure everything is fine. I developed the "white coat syndrome" after my PM...meaning I would settle for nothing less than a white coat telling me I was OK! Perhaps he doesn't have all the information about the PM or a full understanding of it's job and the sensations he may be feeling.

Best of luck to your brother and is he lucky to have you looking out for him!

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