Nerve Conduction Test ?

I have an ICD, replaced from previous one in June 2010. I have occasional awareness of "strange heart rhythm" and after testing the ICD, it was noted that one of the two leads was not functioning. The Cardiologist is not in a hurry to replace it and stated that as long as I am able to tolerate it when I have that "feeling", he would rather hold off on another procedure. My question...I am going to see an Orthopedist next week for a very painful low back situation and I know he will want to schedule an EMG/Nerve Conduction Study. I was told from another Dr. a while ago that you should not have this nerve test if you have a pacer/defibrillator? Has anyone had this test under these circumstances?
Thanks so much!



by Pookie - 2010-11-07 05:11:13


I had an EMG several months ago on my 5th and 7th cranial nerves on the left side of my face and my pacemaker is on the left side...I didn't have a problem whatsoever.

However, I only have a pacemaker not a pacemaker AND defibrillator, perhaps you should call the manufacturer of your device and they will tell you if it is safe or not to have the EMG.

Take care,

NCT comment

by Nevada Silver - 2010-11-08 12:11:14

Thank you very much for your responses! I will contact the manufacturer...why didn't I think of that? :-)
Everyone have a great day!


by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-11-08 12:11:28

I also had both a month ago on both legs and did not have any issues. Good luck with your back issue! Back problems are certainly no fun :(


Nerve Conduction Test

by SMITTY - 2010-11-08 12:11:53

I've had two nerve conduction tests and my pacemaker apparently never knew I was having one. At last it didn't act up in any way.


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