Well....this is it.

da beeb, da beeb, da beeb.....that's all folks. As Porky the Pig so aptly said upon his departure...

It's almost been a year since I've stumbled upon this place. I say that literally because I was rather stumbly back then. Now I can run.....(on good days....lol) P.S.....I still got a long way to go.

Ya'll have helped me with the many questions that us "newbies" have, even before I got my pacemaker. I don't know what I would have done without this place to help ease me in my transition of pacemaker living. I've been coming here nearly about every day, and have seen a lot of people come and go. I've tried my best to stay positive here, although we all have our bad days.
In my life, I've had a lot of bad days but I've learned that it doesn't really help much to be angry or bitter about them. Bad days always seem to teach me something and help me to not take the good days for granted. Cherish each day as a gift.

Laugh often.......love much

Thank ya'll for your support over the last year. I've made a few good friends along the way, and have built friendships that won't easily be broken.
It's time for me to join "real life" and spend a little less time in internet land. Although I won't be on as much as I have been, I might drop in from time to time...and maybe I'll meet a few of you at the Heartbeat International Fundraiser in September.

Take care ya'll, and you know you're pacing when:
you find yourself HERE.....lol.




by Tracey_E - 2009-06-17 10:06:31

Lou's been gone a lot and Patch is always taking another break, am I going to have to start behaving????

don't go

by jessie - 2009-06-17 11:06:06

you will be missed. jessie


by clemsongirl - 2009-06-18 05:06:22

You were there for me when I needed someone who understood what I was going through. We have had a lot in common during this past year. I wish you luck in the "real world." I'm trying to get back to it too and understand that you need to distance yourself. Time to focus on something other medical junk!

Thinking of you.

Stay cool!

by Hot Heart - 2009-06-18 05:06:34

Take care HHx

You know you're wired when...

A thirty-day guarantee is not good enough.

Member Quotes

I consider my device to be so reliable, that I never think about a failure.