hey everyone!

i just had a pacemaker out in 3 days ago. i'm having a hard time with this because i have been nothing but physically active my entire life. having to get a pacemaker is due to hereditary heart issues. my father had what i have and he died at 39. i am 31 and am thankful they caught it but also somewhat discouraged. i gues i'm just looking for some words of positivity to help me get back to, not only being my old self again, but to be even better than i was before.





by Bill-2 - 2010-06-05 10:06:58

Hi Lawrence,

Welcome to the Pacemaker Club.

Being discouraged when you get a pacemaker is very common. All of a sudden you have a man made device connected to your heart and helping keep it beating. That can seem unnatural and concern about that man made device at first is not unusual. However in a few weeks most of us find it becomes easier to accept our pacemaker as a part of our life. But it can take a few months so don't give up.

Would you mind telling us what hereditary heart aliment is that caused you to get a pacemaker. As you can see there are more than 10,000 members here so maybe one or more of them has a pacemaker for a similar reason and can tell you their experiences.

Good luck to you,



by Tracey_E - 2010-06-05 11:06:10

I'm glad you found us! Please don't be discouraged. Know that you're not alone, that the emotional healing is often harder on folks than the physical. Think of it as your guardian angel, your safety net to make sure the same thing doesn't happen that happened to your dad.

We're all different and get our pm's for different reasons but there are a lot of us here who have been paced for a long time and live full, active lives. I got my first pm at 27, I'm 43 now and have the energy and stamina for things I could only dream of doing before I got the pm. I like knowing that I have a state of the art computer to take over when my own wonky heart lets me down.

If you have any questions about living with your new titanium buddy, please don't be shy. Sometimes just understanding more about it can help acceptance come sooner. Vent with us all you like, there are lots of members here just like you that are brand new, and just as many like me who've been around the block a few times and are happy to answer your questions and chat.


by dloseke - 2010-06-06 01:06:54

The best t hing you can do is forget about the pacer. Just let it do it's thing and t hat will help a lot. Don't raise that arm for 6 weeks and let the leads heal. After while you won't even know that you have a pacer. I had mine replaced with a defib about three and half years ago.
I am 81 and still going. Best thing to do is keep busy and don't worry about the pacer unless you reallyhave problems.

It takes a little time

by The Fish - 2010-06-06 09:06:55

Hi Lawrence
I hear ya buddy. I got mine in March and had quite a time adjusting my thinking. I went through a few rough days dealing with this thing in me but thanks to these folks, I did get through it and so will you. It's a good thing they found it and could do something about your condition. Like Tracey said, if you have any concerns, questions or thoughts just post them here. All the best and welcome to the group.


by ShadowWeaver - 2010-06-11 08:06:25

I understand. I was active my whole life, in great shape and at age 34 had to have a pacemaker implanted. It is really hard on the mind especially it seems when you felt you were doing everything to be healthy and then it kinda seems to sneak up on you. Give yourself time to heal not just physically, but also emotionally. I just think about all the days from when I had my PM implanted until now and everything that I would have missed if they hadn't implanted it. You have a chance to live a pretty full life now that you probably would not have had before. Try to enjoy it and as Don said, try to forget about it being there.


Cheer Up

by ABelle - 2010-06-25 09:06:49

Cheer up, Lawrence it gets better. I'm 31 as well and had my PM implanted 4 weeks ago, and although it's been difficult, it is getting easier. I'm dying for a little yoga, or a good bike ride though. Have you heard anything about how long you should really wait before pursing your normal acitivites? I keep hearing 6 weeks, but I wonder if it's ok to mountain bike, swim, etc. By the way I noticed that you're in STL. I grew up there. Miss it. Love it. Great town. Good luck with your recovery. Anna

You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.