
2 weeks since pm fitted told ussual dont lift arm above shoulder no exersise for4 to 6 weeks. yet my sister inlaw froma dif. part of the country was tod she could use a tread mill after 2 weeks. ime feling great but abit nervious i was a reg.gym user and played golf,any advice



by humpy24 - 2010-06-07 05:06:57

thanks for tour feed back its great to get some idea of what to expect. fhanks liz gary & sugur/patty. by the way ive corrected my details. i didnt have a pm fitted in 1950 and definately havnt had 10 fitted. thanks again.


by LS - 2010-06-07 06:06:26

No lifting the arm above the shoulder is quite different than using the lower body (walking) on a treadmill.
I went back to my daily walking the day after my PM, but didn't do any upper body stuff for several months.
The golf is going to have to wait because again, it's more upper body.
I'd go by the advice of YOUR doctor.

Ditto LS

by heartu - 2010-06-07 08:06:51

I started walking immediately on the treadmill, though not at my prior pace (pm upper limit was only 130 and changed to 150 at my 8 week follow-up). While I did not do any strength exercises with my upper body I did do some gentle movements with the left arm so that the shoulder would not freeze. After 6 weeks started doing gentle stretches to regain my range of motion and now (post 3 months) have been using dumbells (started with 1 pound, then 3, and now up to 5 pounds) and getting my muscle tone back in my left arm. Just starting to do wall pushups and hopefully will do regular ones soon.

I did check with my EP during my checkup and specifically asked when I could start my exercise/weight training and if it was ok to wear a heart rate monitor during my workouts. BTW, I have no additional heart problems or any other health problems other than the 3rd degree heartblock and take no medications.

Treadmill OK, No Golf!

by GMan - 2010-06-07 09:06:43

Wait 12/weeks for golf. I did. I'm now playing a mean round! If any attatchments for the arm on the t-mill, don't use them! Walk only. Good luck!



by sugar - 2010-06-07 11:06:08


Nothing wrong with your legs walking around. I ran around FL 6 days after pm and to Vegas after 8 days and I flew to FL and Vegas - felt good and took my mind off myself. Tired yes.

when can i run/jog?

by hippo - 2010-06-15 03:06:28

hey all!!

it's been 2 weeks since my PM surgery and i'm feeling great. i have been walking the treadmill and riding a bike. can anyone tell me if it would be ok to run/jog on the teadmill?

:) lawrence

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