Is this pain in my head?

Hi everyone my name is Sue. I became a member a few months ago. This is my first post, I ve been reading to see if any one has had the pain i do. I had a pm and def with three leads put in july of 2009, a month later i had to go back in to have a led attach to my heart. since then i have more pain before the sugrey. they have set the pm to different settings it doesnt get rid of the pain .i cant sleep on my left side. i wonder can a pm fall out of the pocket its like its half way under my arm. we i went to the Dr they gave me pain med which just makes me dizzy and doesnt do anything for the heart pain. i have a in large heart and a left buddle branch i also have diebets and thyoild trouble. The heart Dr said its not my heart and the reg dr says with the left arm pain, face going num and my heart betting fast, what else can it be. the pain gets really bad sometimes im afaiad im having a heart atack. sometimes i wish i didnt have the pm put in. im 49 years old and still have young children at home. May be its in my head but before ive always been able to take pain. Its almost been a year you thank my body would be use to this by now. thank you all for reading, i hope this doesnt sound dum its just what i have been going through.



by Tracey_E - 2010-07-23 10:07:16

If it's moved under your arm, the pm is not where they originally put it! An xray should quickly show if it's drifted or not. Drifting happens sometimes, but when it leaves you in pain, it needs to be addressed. If you're not getting anywhere with your cardio, you might want to talk to a plastic surgeon. Cardio's are just worried about getting it in there so it does its job; a plastic surgeon can make it feel better.

Pacemakers Can Move

by Pookie - 2010-07-23 11:07:14


My pacemaker moved from just under my collarbone into my armpit and I had to have it repositioned 5 months after the initial surgery as it caused me left arm and chest pain too.

Like Tracey said, it's possible a pacemaker can move because sometimes the doctor who did the surgery might not have anchored it down - there is a little part or piece of the pacemaker that can be sewn into place in the pocket they form to insert the pacemaker.

If you are in pain, please do not allow them to dismiss you. I did for too long and paid an awful price both physically and mentally.

Insist that you have a chest Xray - like Tracey said, that way the doctor can clearly see if the pacemaker has moved.

Remember ---> the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Oh, it makes me so angry when we are told it could be all in our heads. We know our bodies and what they felt like before having the pacemaker or defib, so if we have pain after the device, gee, it must be the device, right????

Yes, there can be nerve pain, but if you can clearly see that your pacemaker has changed positions, then ask them to fix it.

Take care,

and oh......

by Pookie - 2010-07-23 11:07:45

NO, this pain is NOT in your head.

Please find a doctor who will listen to you. I know it can sometimes be intimidating, but you have to keep speaking up until something is done.


Chest pain

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-07-24 12:07:56

Hi Sue,
I had my dual lead PM implanted 2/10. I became very discouraged after implant due to chest pain and pain in my left arm. Three hospital stays for chest pain. Two visits I was told it was not my heart ( I am a healthy 41 yr old). Duh.. I thought, what else can it be other than my heart. After far too many repeat tests my EP placed me on a treadmill with the Medtronics rep there and monitored my for 30 min on the tredmill. And, there it was clear as day, my PM settings were off and my arrythmia showed back up. After increasing my arrythmia meds and the change to my settings I no longer have chest pains and had zero recordings in a two week period. My PM has not shifted so my situation may be different. I am sharing because I was told so many times it was not my heart/PM but it was. If it wasn't for my EP caring enough and taking me seriously I would have gone on accepting that there was nothing wrong. Best of luck to you!


si sente al tatto e si vede.....

by federico - 2010-07-29 04:07:00

se il PM scende giu' dalla tasca si nota immediatamente senza rx ma ad occhio.....per il dolore puo'essere altro....ciao e auguri

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