Stabbing pains?

I think I've seen this posted before, but I couldn't find it to reference. It's been 5 months since I got my PM. It was very sore initially and was told it is normal and it would improve after time. Some of the soreness was due to a blood clot that was discovered in my shoulder/armpit area. That has been resolved, but I still experience severe periodic stabbing pains that take my breath away. It is very random and doesn't happen often so I've been able to live with it. Just wondering if it truly is "normal".


recurring pain

by turboz24 - 2010-10-18 01:10:22

Even after 3 years after my ICD was implanted, I will still get the occassional stabbing or just throbbing pain. My current EP has told me that with my activity level I will always experience some pain/discomfort with my ICD.

I would say as long as the pain isnt' severe and it goes away, you are ok, but if the pain is serious and sustained, I would definately see my doctor.

Response to Pookie

by DybHen - 2010-10-19 09:10:44

The pains seem to be when I'm doing absolutely nothing and no, it's not really where the blood clot was, it seems to be pretty much right where the pacemaker is. I haven't had an xray since I was in the hospital one day following the implant. I have had two ultrasounds though, I'm not sure if they would be able to tell from that or not whether the leads are in place.

My Physician's Assistant gave me his cell phone number and we are quite close, so if it doesn't improve I may just send him a text.


by Charli - 2010-10-19 12:10:50

I get pains a lot - I got mine 10 months ago. It flared up a lot when I started carrying a really heavy bag around with me, I've found an alternative solution now and it's reduced the frequency to which the pains occur. I say this because maybe you could be wearing or stretching the muscle around the PM without noticing fully?

Here's to hoping it stops!


by Pookie - 2010-10-19 12:10:55

You didn't say where your stabbing pains are located. Are they in your incision area or where the blood clot was?

I had occassional stabbing pains after I had my pacemaker repositioned (as it took a hike into my armpit) and my doctor explained it to be nerves mending. It took quite a few months, but it eventually went away.

When you get these stabbing pains, are you doing something or just sitting???

Have you asked to have a chest Xray to see if your leads are where they should be?

If it is still bothering you...I'd be going back to your doc.

If it is just random, and quickly goes away, I'd still mention it. I'd actually keep a diary of when it happens.

Just my 2 cents worth:)


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Your device acts like a police scanner.

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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.