EP Appointment Tomorrow

Hi. Thank you for reading & replying to my post earlier in the week. I am seeing my EP tomorrow & I think he will be discussing the sinus node ablation + pacemaker. I have made a list of questions to ask him but I do feel quite anxious about the appointment as it is quite scary. On the other hand, I have felt so unwell since my IST symptoms came back 3 weeks ago that any help/advice he gives will be very welcome.

I live on the outskirts of London. I am being treated at a big London teaching hospital & my EP is a UK expert on arrythmias...so I am in excellent hands. I have every confidence in him & his team. Even so, it's still scary! But I expect he is used to patients being scared of invasive procedures etc. I'll just have to be really brave & make sure I ask him all my questions before agreeing to anything.

I'll let you know how I get on. You are all so very supportive, thank you.

Best wishes


Your are in all of our hands

by ccallahan - 2010-06-13 03:06:32

You will do just fine. remember you have all of us for prayers and to help out. we have been through some of the same things and we are very supportive. God bless and I will pray for successful procedures for you.

Rev. Chuck

Ablation / Pacemaker

by Jennifer1986 - 2010-06-13 03:06:59


I had 2 EP study's and ablations in April and November last year. Where 2 paths were ablated 1st time and 7 the 2nd time but some damage occured to the node and I have just had a pacemaker fitted 11 days ago. The damage to my node meant I kept fainting so the pacemaker is too stop my slow beats that cause me to faint.

It was scary for me too and I am currently 25 weeks pregnant so was worried about the effect of the x-rays on my baby too but all went to plan and despite being a bit sore I feel a lot better.

I had my pacemaker placed under my breast so it couldn't be seen and am now wondering if that will prevent me breast feeding on my left hand side but never thought to ask before hand. I think it is a good idea to think of all the questions you may want answers too. I have had an MRI safe pacemaker fitted, they are new on the market and mean if you ever needed an MRI in the future you could still have one, I don't know if you would want to ask about a MRI safe one but thought I would mention it.

Best wishes and hope you feel better soon


Good Luck

by Genie - 2010-06-14 04:06:22

Good Luck - glad to know you are with a team you feel comfortable with; it makes all the difference. I am sure you'll have s good experience and they'll take really good care of you.

I also have an MRI safe PM - definitely worth asking about.

Let us know how you get on,


hi janey

by Hot Heart - 2010-06-14 09:06:14

hope it all goes well today!


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I’m healthy as a horse because of the pacemaker.