Suddenly I feel really low!

Hi. Thank you to all of you who have replied to my recent posts. I do appreciate all your help.

It's now 6 days until my EP study/sinus node modification/ ? pacemaker & suddenly tonight I feel really low! I feel tearful & panicky. It hasn't helped being told I might be sacked from work, it's an extra worry on top of the stress & worry of the procedure itself.

I've got to go to the hospital for my pre-op tests on Friday. I know it will really hit me then that all this is going to happen next Tuesday.

My husband & 2 children (age 19 & 17) are doing a great job of trying to keep my mind on other things, but at the moment they are all out & my mind is in overdrive thinking of all that I'm facing! I am so scared!!

I know I have to stay positive to get through all this but it's hard right now!!

What can I do to keep going & stay positive?

I feel terrible right now!!



It's not so bad.

by Gellia3 - 2010-07-21 07:07:05

I've had both an EP study and PM insertion. Not at the same time, but separately. PM came first and was YEARS ago (35 now) and the EP study 5 years ago.

That said, I was asleep through both. The EP study was done with a catheter in the femoral artery. A special plug is inserted after they are finished and I didn't even know anything was done at all. Went home as though nothing happened.

Pacemaker insertion isn't that tough either. The worst part is post surgical pain where they make the pocket. but it's really not that bad. You don't feel a thing during surgery (unless you are VERY brave like Frank who goes cold turkey!) because they will give you something to let you sleep.

You wake up with a small incision and a teeny lump.

I have had 9 replacements now and they are all about the same.

For you, they may keep you over night, but me now, I'm finished and out within hours of surgery and home for lunch.

Please try not to worry. I'm sure things will go very well for you and I hope you wake up feeling great!

Best to you,

Job loss because of heart trouble?

by Meema417 - 2010-07-21 07:07:32

Hi! We all felt nervous & scared before our procedures. That's as normal as anything. You're an intelligent woman who understands what's going on. Nobody likes a surgery, but the post-op recovery went pretty well for me. I only had 4 days of knowing before I had my pm implanted. That was a gift, I think. Less time to worry. But, about you possibly getting sacked from it a layoff or are you being let go because of your heart problems? I lost my job after my pm implant. My boss did not think I could safely do my job any longer. I was told to apply for disability; it will be months & months before I get a determination on it. Meanwhile, I've worked for 40 years, and am having a hard time adjusting to not working, not having an income. Granted, the first 2 months off work, I was busy healing and trying to feel better. I too, try very hard to keep busy and keep my brain busy! I read voraciously, make a list of little jobs to do each day, solve the word jumble in the newspaper...anything to keep my mind from focusing on my heart & how everything has changed in my life. Don't forget to pray--tremendous help and brings peace to me. God bless.

You'll Be Okay

by Genie - 2010-07-22 02:07:30

I felt just like this too before I had my PM inserted. But you will be just fine - the waiting is so much worse than the procedure. Once you get to the hospital and everything gets started you will feel fine. You're in great hands, with experts treating you, and they are going to make you feel better than you ever have.

I find that the best thing you can do is distract yourself - go for long walks, watch TV, cook, pray, go see a movie. Anything other than allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts.

You've done things much more dangerous than this - the risks of these procedures are very low, and you are more likely to die in a traffic accident. But do you think twice about getting in a car, or crossing the road? When you gave birth to your two children you were doing something much more dangerous than the procedure you're about to go through. But I bet you never thought much about it? That's because you were focused on the end result. Try and do the same here: there is a better life ahead of you after this procedure, and you just need to get through this to get there.

We are here if you need us, and will be thinking of you.


Allow yourself your feelings

by Lulu Moppet - 2010-07-22 02:07:59

I got my pacemaker 2 weeks and 2 days ago. My heart was in total block, so I didn't have much time to adust to the idea. Like you, I was terrified and very emotional. It's natural. You don't have to be brave or a so-called trooper. This is a highly stressful time. I do know the procedure is pretty minor compared to many, and you'll be all right. Worry about the job after the current crisis is over. I'll be thinking of you.

Time to Start Getting Better

by cruz - 2010-07-22 11:07:23

I was nervous, scared and trying to "get my affairs in order" mode. The only positive thing was that I just wanted the thing over with...I felt it was time to start getting better and I knew the sooner they did the procedure, the sooner I could start looking ahead to getting better. The procedure is simple and I never had to take anything more than advil for the pain. The incision is very small. The biggest difficulty after the procedure is not raising your arm; not lifting anything...basically the post-op instructions for the first 6 weeks. The fact that you have a husband and kids that are there for you is great! You'll feel so much better after this is over and it sounds like you have 3 folks that will be pampering you. As for the job, I had to apply for Disability Retirement years before I was ready. I loved my job. It's been months and I still haven't heard on the approval yet which has me stressed and anxious and out of my control. Genie is right in that you have to focus on the end result. Better times are ahead and I'm sure that it won't be too long until you will be here on the forum giving support to someone else who has the same pre-procedure worries. Better times are indeed ahead.

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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.