Zapped yesterday

Hi - I'm new to this site. Received my ICD 4 weeks ago. Complications were pericarditis - inflammation in the sac surrounding the heart. Treated with anti-inflamatories - Yesterday, at the hairdresser's the ICD went off - Yikes - I jumped right out of the chair. I felt fine right afterwards, but called the DR. just in case. I was concerned about driving home, however, I did. No zaps since then. I'm new to this so my nerves are a little frazzled. Any advice? Thanks..



by franko1966 - 2010-06-13 02:06:50

i had my icd,since jan 2007,zaped once,relax,go day day,the doctors office should call you any ,because they new you got can drive if you feel fine

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Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.