stretching scars

Do anyone of ya'll know how to hinder/prevent a nice thin scar from stretching in width?

My first pacer scar started as a tiny, thin as a razor blade scar, but as I healed and moved around...the little razor thin scar widened.

Suggestions, or is the just the way it is......Just wondering.




by scadnama - 2009-10-09 07:10:06

My scars do the same thing. I think it has something to do with the way our bodies heal. My pacemaker scar started out as a nice thin line, and with time, only got's been almost 2 years now, and it is still pink. I'm sure it will only get worse now...I had to have the pocket re-open to put in extra leads.

My scar from open heart surgery also did the same thing. When I removed the bandages, it looked great, but now it is turning into a thick pink scar just like my pacemaker scar.

I tried different ointments and creams, but didn't have any luck. I figure the pacemaker scar will have to be re-opened several times throughout my life for replacements, so I just try to embrace it!

Glad to hear that you are doing better! It's about time!!!



by anette - 2009-10-09 07:10:23

Could be any connection with the anticoagulant treatment?? WHEN ihave my PM implant last year i was hospitalized 18 days only because they change my warfarin treatment with Heparine , and after the implant back to warfarine ;ALL this because my mechanical mitral valve ; Tissue recovery took several days... more than regular. I mostly concernt about the infection possibility.
This could be a hard problem but i hope not to handle with this...
MY best wishes.


by janetinak - 2009-10-10 01:10:30

It's the "search" on the top right of this page.



by janetinak - 2009-10-10 01:10:53

Have you tried vitamin E oil? Once incision closed I used the over the counter version every night for about the 1st year & still after 7 yrs use it on my total knee replacement scars & altho we are all different, scars are not too bad & hard to see. Also you may be forming keloids & that is a whole different thing. There have been some discussions on this site before on this site. You may check the upper left of the page to look at previous discussions.



by sam78 - 2009-10-10 03:10:48

Ang... funny you should ask... I just went to see a plastic surgeon about my scar because mine didnt heal right. It has gotten thick and actually has become raise. I also have a new scar from when I had leads fixed in August... This is what she told me. Key it to keep it moistened with lotion. Second thing was to massage the scar at least twice a day. She said to use fairly hard massage. You can actually help the tissue become more pliable and heal better. She gave me samples of Eucerin and said to use that. She said if you do it everyday you can actually change the "figure" of the scar if it is within the first couple months of surgery. Also in my case she said I was having an inflammatory response (even though my scar that didnt hear right was from February). She is having me put some hydrocortisone cream on it as well as the regular lotion. I have heard a lot about Vitamin E as well but she didnt mention this to me at all. So, grab some good lotion and massage away!!

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You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

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The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.