Interrogation.....I'll say

That lady / dictator had me running up stairs this morning, and I'm sick.....out of all days. I tried to tell her that first I needed to change into my work-out clothes, but she wasn't buying it. LOL.

After telling me that I was "deconditioned" which is another way of saying "lazy", she almost stood her ground and didn't change a thing.

Now look who wears the pants lady? I told her I'm out of shape because I've been scared of pulling another lead loose and haven't done anything in 7 weeks, as instructed by my doctor.

Of course my heart rate should increase faster because like you said, I'm "deconditioned". So increase my heart rate as it should until my body adjusts to this new conditioner that I keep applying. I keep applying it, but it just doesn't seem to want to absorb like I think it should. Dang-it. Oh wait...that's hair conditioner.....darn. NO wonder I'm not seeing any results.

So after what I like to think of as a REVERSE interrogation, my rate response is now set to Med-High, and High. (I'm 100% atrial paced- so give me a break)

So now with these pacer adjustments....too bad I don't feel as "HIGH" as my pacer settings.....

Man, it's gonna take a while for me to get used to running with this machine....but as Patch said last year, "Look out world, here comes the "OLA" - One Lung Athlete"

Ya'll remember to smile. Tell others it's your pacer settings, and you can't help it.......


Rate response settings

by ElectricFrank - 2009-11-12 11:11:45

What we need is a lever where we can set the RR ourselves. Kind of like the L D R P on our cars shifter.

You head out the door and put it in L (lurch), after a bit move it up to D (Darned fast), then when you see a friend put it in R (Race), and as you catch up put it in P(Pass).


hey Frank!

by Tracey_E - 2009-11-13 05:11:26

That's a great idea. I think you should invent a handheld gadget for us to temporarily override our settings. You can make an ekg machine, surely you can do this??? Think how much fun we could have messing with our techs.

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.