I want my pacer moved

It's only been a couple months since my pacemaker upgrade (9-16-09) and subsequent atrial lead revision (9-25-09), but I'm wanting my pacemaker moved.
This pacemaker is a lot bigger than my first one, and the leads poke outward towards my arm. It's hard to forget that I have a pacer because it gets in the way all of the time. I feel it when I'm steering my car, lifting anything, stretching. ANYTHING. I can't even cough or sneeze into my arm as they say you should do without it pinching me.
My cardiologist states that I should just finally accept the fact that I can't do some of the things that I used to do, but at 34 that's kind of hard to take. Plus I can't imagine living 8 years with this thing pinching me and getting in my way. My cardiologist also states that I should do everything in my power to protect my leads, but I don't see that happening if I'm constantly bumping them and rubbing up against them. What am I supposed to do? Quit using my left arm? I don't think so.

My cardiologist states also that opening up the pocket again will put me at increased risk for infection, but they don't seem to care much about that when you have to go back in to reattach loose leads.

I follow up with my EP in March. If it's still giving me a hard time by then, I'm going to mention it to him. I'm just sick of having procedures 4 hours away and wish for once I can have something done in my hometown- but my cardiologist refuses.

Has anyone had their pacer/ICD moved, and did they have such resistance with their doctor as I am. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Ultimately, I'm the pne paying for it- in all aspects.

Comments appreciated,



by Angelie - 2009-12-16 03:12:18

my thoughts exactly......thanks Patch.
Although it would be great to have my pacer in Atlanta....LOL. Never thought about that much, but Patch, what a fabulous idea. Leave it your smartie britches to come up some good ideas..

yeah really as if my life isn't limited enough. I know, that's what I thought pacers did- improve......NOT cause limitations. I'd suggest just simply cutting off my left arm completely, but then my pacer would most likely take up residence in my armpit.


by Angelie - 2009-12-17 01:12:07

LOL, I won't shoot ya.
I was just saying.....( and selfishly ranting)
I don't normally let things get to me very easily, but it is rather disappointing to not have much feedback from people, especially when you're anxious about issues. LOL.

I always enjoy Patch's humor. I'm seriously gonna try and give it some more time to "heal" and "get situated", but after 6 months I'm gonna give Dr. Dick a piece of my mind. LOL. Too bad I'll have to start all over with my deductible by then....

Thanks so much.

I forgot to add...

by Pookie - 2009-12-17 09:12:56

it's just my opinion, but why wait 6 months???? then the doctors might come back at you with: "well, you lived with it for 6 months and we never heard a complaint from you." see what I mean?

the squeaky wheel gets the grease.!!!!!!!!!!

I truly wish you the best of luck.



by Pookie - 2009-12-17 09:12:58


I just came online and you know I'd respond to your post if I happened to be online at the time. (I was at puppy school with Maxx; & he was not on his best behavior tonight and I felt so embarrassed, but I'll get over it)....lol. He even peed on the floor right in the middle of class!!!!

I also know you are beyond frustrated. I too have been going through crap and dealing with idiots for the past 5 years!!!!!!!!!!!! So I can certainly understand your physical and mental pain. You must feel like screaming.

I agree 110% that it is YOUR life and it is YOUR pacemaker so it should be YOUR decision if you want it repositioned. Even if you were 99 yrs old and it was bugging you and you wanted it moved, it should be YOUR choice. Don't let your doctors bully you into accepting something, push back, demand if you have to. Like they (the docs) would accept feeling extremely uncomfortable for 8 years...yeah, give me a break. I just love when I hear doctors tell patients to give it some time or you'll just have to accept it...that's B.S. and us as patients should not accept that.

What you are going thru is totally unacceptable in my opinion. Sure wish I could help you.

Angelie...fight back. I find when I take my husband with me to my appointments, I get further with the doctors. Do you have anyone you could take with you?

I'd even write a letter to the head of cardiology!!!!!!!!!!!

Best of luck to you.


You shouldn't have to feel like that

by ela-girl - 2009-12-17 11:12:22


I am now 32 and had my pacer implanted at age 29. I believe there is no reason for you to have to feel this way about your pm. Mine was implanted under the muscle and into the breast tissue and sewn down in its own little pocket. I can't see it or the leads or anything. Every once in awhile my pacer will bug me for a few minutes--I'll feel a pinch or it will just hurt--and I don't know why. But overall, I don't even remember I have the dang thing! And I'll be damned if a doctor is going to tell me "at my age" there are some things I just can't do anymore!!!!!!!! Ridiculous. I like what Patch said about talking to Dr. Dick again...I couldn't stop laughing! If that doesn't work, seek out another opinion.



by Angelie - 2009-12-17 11:12:27

60 odd reads, and only one response.....gee. So nice of ya'll to share your thoughts....

I thought that's what this website was for. It's not a newspaper column (read only) where you don't have a chance to interact. This place has really gone down hill. Lately I seem to get more support from the dimwits in my small town who don't even know what it's like to live with a device. I know it's the holidays and people are most likely busy, but gee......
I would have thought out of the 59 readers someone could've found something to say.

Thanks Patch.....for the continued support. I really do appreciate it.

Happy Holidays Ya'll,


by ela-girl - 2009-12-17 11:12:44

I must have been typing my reposnse when you wrote your "Wow" comment. Please don't shoot us all!



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You trust technology more than your heart.

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The experience of having a couple of lengths of wire fed into your heart muscle and an electronic 'box' tucked under the skin is not an insignificant event, but you will survive.