Just checking...

Hi All:
My mom just had a dual chamber pacer inserted on Monday (5 days ago) and this morning had a weird hiccup-y feeling through her right back and entire chest cavity. No pain or shortness of breath..just 'weird'. It affected her speech - made her stutter on the words a bit. Does this ssound familiar to anyone? Thanks.



by Hot Heart - 2010-06-20 01:06:17

I was told to go to hospital if i got hiccups, sorry but I didnt actually ask why. Best get it checked out!


Just checking

by D.D. - 2010-06-20 04:06:06

I don't want to worry your mother, but I was told at the hospital that if hickups persist longer than normal, to get in touch with my doctor.
Fortunately I have not had the problem myself, but a check up won't hurt.
The pacemaker is a new thing in your mothers life and doctors would sooner be safe than sorry.
Best of luck to your mum though, I had mine fitted in April this year and I feel great within myself now that the soreness has gone and have learnt to go to sleep on the opposite side.


get checked

by Tracey_E - 2010-06-20 08:06:07

It would easily be nothing, but it's possible either the lead is dislodged or it's placed in a way that it's stimulating her diaphragm. Not exactly common, but it's not unheard of either. If it's dislodged, it needs to be fixed. If it's affecting the diaphragm, it may or may not go away on its own. But either way, she should be evaluated.

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